Hello I’m new to this whole forum thing so forgive me if I misunderstood how to respond to people if anyone can help!
I have a very similar issue to what everyone is talking about, “Grinding sound” , at low breaking speeds. Although in my case it’s a very short almost sliding sound like something against hard plastic? It’s difficult to explain but iv sat in the passenger seat and it sounds like it’s coming from the right rear arch somtimes and other times from the drivers side footwell/lower dash/ wheel arch.
this only tends to happen in 1st to 2nd gear and under breaking at any point at low speeds, and im yet to take it to the dealership since I’d rather not be on there bad side considering iv owned the car for less then 2 weeks (my first car btw).
iv looked around for those blocks some dealerships put in the springs when delivering cars so they’re more stable on transporters but I can’t see them or anything loose that could be moving around which could cause a similar sound. I’m left to debate if it’s a breaking issue or a mechanical issue.
before I take it in, can anyone who has a similar problem specifically when changing gear maybe give a more specific answer to a resolution? Personally I don’t think it has anything to do with break pads or discs and more so a moving part that’s sticking or engaging too much.
also my apologies if I’m in the wrong forum asking about this, I couldn’t find a close enough description besides the one described here. If anyone has any advice to ask the dealership or look for myself/ any resolution please let me know! I’ll drop my specific car details below in brackets, cheers everyone
(72 plate,37,000 miles ,1L 110hp, manual)