Took the car to the gym, had no issues with it leading up to the problem.
I went to use it the following day and it wouldn't start.
All of the usual lights came on the dash, no warning lights or codes.
The car doesn't crank at all when the push start is pressed.
I've changed the batteries in the fobs, tested the battery which was at 11.7v, took the battery out and trickle charged it until it was full 12.8v. I've tried jumping the car with a booster and jump leads toy partners car. The tank has fuel.
Placed the battery back into the car with the same result as before no start, not Cranking no warning lights no codes.
I've used an Obd2 scanner but there are no codes coming up.
While pressing the start button I am not aware of any clicking noises or any defineable sounds.
The only noticeable event observed was a little bit of water in the boot where the battery sits, not alot just a dab of water from where I have previously cleaned the car around the boot seals etc.