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    A£ Sportback Sport
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  1. Hi Steve, Yes, I've been considering an OBD11 device but I'm not too sure which model/type would be the right one bearing in mind I only want to reset a couple of items.... Can I ask which type/model you would recommend ? Thanks, Ron.
  2. Hi Mike, Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. The only point I was trying to make in my original post was the fact that I am averaging only 3,000 to 4,000 miles per year. I have found a way of cancelling (resetting) the dashboard notification of "Service Due in xxxx amount of Days" but cannot delete or reset the "Inspection Due in xxxx amount of Days". I'm sure there is a way of resetting this too.....just haven't found it yet.... I'm not really worried, the car is now 6 years old, flies through MOT's, one due this week, I shall ignore the inbuilt notifications and service the vehicle regularly.... but..... only when I decide, not the computer.. Thanks again, Ron..
  3. My Audi A3 Sport is now 5 years old, has had 5 previous scheduled Audi Services and to date has done just about 25,500 miles..... The last service was done at 23,800 miles in Oct 2020... The dashboard notification has popped up again on start up advising that a Service will soon be due in a few days time. I am averaging less and less annual "mileage" due to less and less travel.... a combination of age, shrinking responsibilities and probably covid !! My question, if anyone has the answer please..... Can the Audi A3 onboard computer be programmed to react to a "Mileage" based Servicing schedule as mine appears to be "Time" based and reacts on an Annual basis....?? Can this be done or not ? I am fully aware that I could just ignore the reminder but that is less than ideal, I'm also aware that under normal driving conditions Servicing needs to be done every 10,000 miles or Annually, whichever comes first... but this...., based on 3,000 miles per annum seems a little excessive !!!!! Many Thanks, Ron.
  4. Can anyone enlighten me please..... I want to fit an extra accessory power socket in the boot...... Can anyone tell me if all A3 Wiring Looms are the same in production and Audi only activate those connections which are required from new by a specific A3 model or maybe specified by the buyer.. I know that some models have 2 or maybe 3 cigar lighter type power sockets from new but mine has only one in the front central console. Would the actual wires be available in the main rear loom at the rear say in the boot somewhere to save running wires ? Thanks..
  5. My A3 was new in Oct 2015 and has covered just 4.600 miles. (and driven very carefully) A week or so ago I noticed that the O/S/R brake disc was rusty and scored, the remaining 3 were smooth and polished as you would expect on a car being used daily. My Audi garage put the car on their Dyno test rig and found no brake fault. Having been in the trade for over 40 years I argued that this is not normal as they suggested...............(1 rusty disc and 3 polished ones) but they insisted that there was nothing they could do or replace under warranty. I am astonished that they released the nearly new vehicle with no detailed investigation into the reasons for the rust, their only comment was "that this was a NORMAL" thing to expect.
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