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    A4 B9
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  1. A point well taken but Ill only be as far away from the car as the length of the cable and the telescope only draws 0.5 amps so Im not too concerned.
  2. Easier yes, cheaper not so much 🙂 If I cant resolve the turn off lights/turn on 12v issue Ill have to go down that route but I'd sooner use my car as a giant 12v lol
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm sure this has probably been asked a million times before but I did search and couldnt find anything specific to a B9. I have a 2017 A4 B9 Avant and want to change the boot 12v to always on. This is because I need to be able to plug in my telescope to the power socket when im out in a field, but need to lock the car so that the DRLs turn off it seems, which as you know turns off the 12v. So I have 2 choices, make the rear 12v always on or try and figure out how to turn all the lights off without locking the car 🙂 seems that the 12v is an easier option. If anyone has any pointers to either options I would be eternally grateful Cheers!
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