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    A3 2.0 TDI 140
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  1. Thanks James as always :)
  2. Thanks James I've noticed when I Rev the engine that it makes a loud tissssss noise from that side so I think this could be a problem
  3. So would this cause overboost as this is the code my obdll reader gives ?? I'm going to fix this shambles when the weather is good
  4. Here's a clearer picture
  5. Trying to beat LIMP MODE I'm on level 100 so far I don't know how many levels are left

  6. It's the pipe that goes into the intercooler God knows who's responsible for this shambles !!
  7. So it's not that haha so back to the board I used to bottles of forte cleaner and it's still going into limp mode I took a look underneath and this is what I found its a mess but I don't think it's causing limp mode ?? Let me know what you think James appreciate it !!!
  8. Just how on earth do you get to the rear brake light the one that's über the spoiler it's on my Audi TT 2.0 TFSI 60 plate I've looked everywhere and can't find anything !!!!
  9. Top man James I've ordered a new gasket that came today so I'm gonna get that job done this weekend and I'm hoping fingers crossed that I've beaten limp mode !!
  10. I've noticed that there is a leak on the fuel pump do you think this could cause the car to go into limp mode cheers James ?
  11. I don't think they did not to be sexist but it was an old women haha unless she was into that sort of thing haha
  12. Sorry forgot to mention that when I change gear it sounds like there's a dump valve on my car I've read that this is normal but id like a second opinion on this
  13. Right I've used two bottles of the cleaner with premium fuel and I'm still getting limp mode I've read somewhere that it could possibly be the MAP sensor any ideas if this could be correct ?? Thanks
  14. Yeah the files were to large I'll try and post them when I'm home
  15. Okay so I've been running premium diesel and I've used to bottles of forte I've done 54 miles I've rev'd my engine till to 5000 rpm and there's black fumes coming out. Before I used the cleaner I did Rev the engine and it was just white so I can only assume that the cleaner is working and the black stuff coming out is the rubbish that's been stuck on my turbo vanes ?? Anyway will keep posting to see if it works
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