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Sensor man

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Sensor man last won the day on January 19 2016

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    A3 Sportback Quattro 184 TDI
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  1. Yes, definitely has some sort of heater in there. Minus 2 the other morning, Fire up, turn controls to 23c and two mins the whole car is defrosted, everyone else is still scarping ice from their windows. Watched it from outside, airflow is biased towards drivers side, so this bit clears faster than rest of screen.
  2. I'll bet there is a 'Dark' side to this moon story!
  3. Good to see them win and not 'cheat' (LOL) What are the allowed emissions levels on the moon?
  4. MM1 has option which is selected. Handbook, not sure... will give it a read
  5. Any body tell me if there is a pre-heater on board the A3 (2015) model that heats the cabin, aids the demist of front screen? Outside air temp is below freezing and window is already demisting / de icing after a min or two (cabin is feeling warm) Cheers
  6. Id rather see one on my Drive!
  7. I get the same message in my A3, with S Tronic box. If you read the manual that came with your car, there is lots of warnings (lets call them disclaimers) about not applying the foot brake when the car is in drive. I have stop start on mine and it tells me every time I try to move the gearshift in 'drive' that I should have my foot on the brake even though the car is secured on the electronic brake. I think the book refers to the possibility that the car can lurch forward even though the electronic brake is activated. However, I have learnt that when the stop start is activated and the engine stops, I can apply the electronic brake with the car in drive although the user manual tells me not to do so, but to hold the car on the footbrake, (which burns the eyes out of the driver behind you on dark nights.) As you apply your foot to the gas pedal the engine starts and the electronic brake is automatically released. If this applies to you, try it for yourself. Engine stops, your foot is on the footbrake, apply the electronic brake and wait until you feel a slight decrease in resistance under your foot, the car is now secure on the electronic brake, so you can remove your foot. Leave some tyres and tarmac between you and the car in front, in case the car starts up again (as it sometimes does), so if it does lurch, then you don't prang the back end of the guy in front.
  8. If you want to get better fuel economy, unless you are doing this already, you need to really alter your driving style and use of gears. Driving carefully go no one nowhere fast. A couple of tips: Don't use sequential gear changes 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, if road conditions allow, use 1, 2 4, 6 (or 5). Get the car into the highest gear as early as possible, so setting off downhill use 2nd not first as your first gear. Believe me I know, I came top in one of the regional heats in the 'Shell 1 litre City challenge'.
  9. They quote this: http://www.mybluefin.co.uk/search?make=2&fueltype=2&model=21&variant=2947 but don't say how its installed or if its detectable to the dealer.
  10. If it helps, I have 2.0 (I84 BHP) S Tronic and in Comfort mode I get 54 MPG. In efficiency mode I get a lot less.....
  11. Just joined the forum and hoping to learn lots about my Audi. I have an A3 Quattro S line with S tronic box and 185 BHP diesel engine. Interested to learn if it can be remapped but undectable to the main dealers?
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