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Everything posted by RS4 EGO

  1. Thanks for the welcome Steve. What model do you have?
  2. oh that's a shame! but yes a little far. i have attached a you tube link, https://youtu.be/l9ebTOL7U5A of the sound of my Miltek exhaust, not the greatest video as the car was cold so i didn't want to rev it too much lol.
  3. Yeah it is a bit of a beast lol. I had my stage 1 remap after a yr and that made the power transition a lot smoother, so with the exhaust and further re map you can definitely tell the difference. Have you thought about having a stage 1 re map at all? I know not a lot of bhp from it but I think it refreshes the power etc. will have to arrange a get together at some shows in the future, I would like to show mine off a bit more, where in the world are you from then? My my partner is going good wood this year!! A lads weekend so I'm not invited but I've heard it's good. I'll try and send you a small video of the sound of my exhaust, not working on the I pad
  4. Hello again James, sorry for you not getting my previous post. thank you for the welcome 😊 I have had a full miltek on the car with 100 cell cats and valves and stage 2 re map. Do you take yours to many car shows? I'm from the north west area but not been to many yet! have you had any mods done yourself?
  5. Hi James, i thought I'd just check you got my reply back to you the other day? I was reply thought the email notification and not the forum I think 😊
  6. Hello fellow members, I thought I had best join a forum after owning an Audi for the last 5 years. Still with the same car and can never see myself selling it. Funny how cars make you feel when you get the right one. As you can tell by the picture it is an RS4 b7. Why would anyone sell this beast of a motor? Yes that is a girly thing to say but I am a girl. Anyway, just thought I would say hello and looking forward to some meet and greets.
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