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    Birmingham, UK
  • Audi Model
    A4 B8.5 Avant
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  1. Thank you Steve, I was looking to come to the simply audi event, but as its my birthday on the 18th April I'm usually on holiday with the Mrs or kids during that week, will let you know if I go closer to the time.
  2. Happy new year hope you have a great 2023!
  3. Hello my fellow Audi Owners, just come to drop in and say hello! I'm not much of a forum person or even a person to be on any social media and thought as new years resolution to meet new people and obviously audi owners. I've been a member since for yonks but never introduced myself. I was once an Audi A8 8P Owner. Now an audi A4 B8.5 Avant Quattro Owner. Looking forward to speaking and hopefully meet at one of the meets 😀
  4. I have done a lot of research on k&n filters and as I can recommend that you don't get an induction kid especially on a diesel it doesn't make a difference. Yes the air intake is better but for being a diesel you won't notice it. The panel filter box that is standard does the same thing just purchase a panel filter I recommend getting a ramair panel filter and replace the original one with that. I'm planning on getting it soon so I'll let you know what I think of it :)
  5. If you save up for the RossTech VCDS I say get it.. worth it on the long run so no more call out charges on diagnostics when this kit will do it for you then you can fix the problem your if possible done it many times with my mates Ross tech vcds. im thinking of getting one myself cause I want to do a few mods e.g. Needle sweep and dim my dry lights as I think it's way too bright.
  6. I'm a Night auditor at ibis & I'm training to become a Duty Manager at the process of working. Long nights but worth it. I am also studying an IT degree at uni. On my second year so hopefully my future career will be IT focused.
  7. I think the reason why I love Audi is the build quality. Their cars feel sturdy and durable. 👍🏼
  8. Welcome to the forum. I think the badge goes well with the car! And good choice on the car.. hope you enjoy it!
  9. Welcome to the forum Natasha :)
  10. Shubz

    My A3 8P

    Still in working progress but getting there slowly 🙂
  11. yeah i have tried that James got abit frustrated lol but ill give it another go!
  12. Hi, Thanks James for welcoming me to the forum! :) This is my second car, my first car was a ford fiesta mk5, was hard to let it go! haha, but I needed a change! :)
  13. I'm a noob to Audi so please don't bite my head off for this but I am considering installing my HID kit onto my A3 only issue is that I've had no luck trying to get access to change the bulb can someone recommend the best way to change the headlight bulbs. I've tried the inner liner of the wheel arch trick but it's a nightmare to remove the plastic clips finding it hard to remove anyone know another alternative to fit the hid's on? Thanks!
  14. Hey, have you made sure the ballast are Canbus Error free. As that seems to be the issue to all problems the car can over power the hid's and will tend blow out the bulbs and worse electrics will go funny.
  15. Hi peeps, So where do I start... Firstly I would like to welcome everyone else on here and the car I drive is an Audi A3 8P. I'm From Birmingham. Currently studying IT degree. Thats all I can think of from the top of my head.
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