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Everything posted by Hayabusa

  1. Audi have finally got back to me and told me to take the car back into local Audi dealer and they will have a look at what the problem is!!! I know what they are going to say diagnostics NOT showing anything wrong so run the car for three tanks of fuel and see what the average mpg shows.... Will let you know the outcome soon Steve
  2. Hi Steve I purchased a new Audi A5 convertable 20TDi last April and I'm having the same problem best MPG I got so far is 37.8 car that no town motor all A roads and duel Carriaways been back into Audi three times now and they keep telling me that the car fine and the MPG I'm getting is what they would expeect. After various emails and phone call to Audi UK the car going back in again next Monday to see what the problem is? I had many diesel company cars but this one is the worse even on fuel I might as well have got a petrol. Will let you know the out come when it's been is to the garage yet again... Steve
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