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Big GeordieLad

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    A6 2.0 TDi
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  1. Any tips on removing the nut for the oil feed on my turbo without twisting the pipe?
  2. Is there a how to guide on this forum for taking a turbo Off & on?
  3. Belt tensioner and possibly steering pump have gone on my a6. I have been offered these parts from someone breaking a 2005 a4 1.9. The lad said all ancillaries are the same. Would this be correct?
  4. Can anyone explain why there is a 140a & 180a alternator?
  5. Car is reading code P2100. Has anyone had this code before?? googled it and majority of literature says its the throttle body.
  6. Thanks gokiwi64, I had already found the second link you posted. Not looking forward to this repair at all
  7. So it looks like my mechatronic unit is on its way out. Has anybody had this problem before?, if so what measures did you do to get it fixed and what was the cost?
  8. Hello Magnet I did put my registration in but the results showed different sizes when you clicked in the fitment detail section. I'm assuming i can buy any pads as long as they correspond with the right discs yes?
  9. I'm currently looking online to buy 2 sets of front pads. There seems to be a variety of choice with some being a different size. How can tell what size i need or does it not matter? I'm looking on the Euro car part site.
  10. Just bought my A6 Avant 2.0 TDI beginning of the week. Started it up yesterday and the engine management light came on, drove around for a few hours and then it the light goes off. I am traveling to Shipley on monday so I didn't want to risk anything. Found an Audi specialist not far from me and took it down for a diagnostic check this morning. It came up Manifold Flap Motor fault, is this an expensive job? I asked the technician/mechanic and he didn't know. The guy on reception just said he would ring me with a price. Is it just me or should alarms bells be ringing? Surely they would know what price jobs cost?
  11. Hey Guys, Just bought myself an Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TDI. First Audi ever owned and I'm hooked!
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