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    a3 tdi dsg
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  1. So I decided to take your advice and clicked the Clim Air site.Now I am an old duffer and fairly new to PCs and online buying.I was not sure if I had selected the right code and could not figure out what colour they were. So I used the sites email.Alex at Clim Air said that 04 was a change over year and was my car the 8p chassis type.He included a picture of the 8p.So I mailed back telling him yes and that I was impressed with his assistance.He than sent me a link which directed me to the order form for the correct pair: that if I wanted the black sports tint to put this in additional information and it would be ordered from the factory in Germany. Now I haven't ordered yet as it seems there maybe a discount code out there on the net somewhere. So thanks guys.
  2. Cheers James. Just checked out Clim Air web site.They certainly seem to be the best I have checked out so far.Between V.A.T. and postage the cost is a penny shy of £50.Not the cheapest but there's no point in buying rubbish.Probably get them if no one else has an alternative suggestion.
  3. I have an A3 2.0 TDI DSG 2004. Am delighted with it. But rain of the roof with an partially open window is annoying.Can anyone recommend a decent make of rain guard as the prices are so varied.
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