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Everything posted by Soccy

  1. Thanks James, I found a few of the issues out, the oil pressure gauge, the wires on the sender unit were the wrong way round, normal oil pressure indicated now. But, I have had the oil pressure light on the dash come on, goes off and on when it likes it seems, at low revs, it kinda flickers, goes out, but if you Rev the engine above 3000-4000 it comes on, so I replaced the oil pressure switch on engine and still the same?? Bad wiring? Also at low RPM its VERY sluggish, like an auto, but get it revving and go up through the gears keeping revs up, it's pretty quick- for an old Audi anyway- it's like it's over fueling, but I done really know, what is weird is a really annoying and loud tapping noise, also at higher revs 2500+, coming from what looks like a vacuum pump, it's not there all the time, but getting more and more,after I let the revs die down it kinda goes away, or becomes really quiet, but after revving it up, it comes back? Can anyone point me in the right direction? thanks in advance all, Soccy
  2. Good afternoon all,would like to say hi and I need help.I've had a few audi's the most recent was a 2.8 V6 Quattro, so I thought I had a fair idea about them. Anyway I've just got a 1993 2.3 cabriolet with 61,000 miles on it, that has been sat for about a 6 months not used,and I'm after a few answers to a few issues. Firstly I've noticed white smoke after it warms up, not huge amounts but enough for me to worry a bit, it seems more under hard acceleration,there is no sludge under oil cap, or on dipstick, the coolant tank looks ok, no sign of oil in it, and it doesn't seem to be losing any, but I'm worried it maybe a head gasket,unless maybe another issue is causing it. The oil pressure gauge on the centre console goes off scale when engine started over 5bar! And the oil pressure warning light comes on, the pressure seems to stay hi even when engine warms up,I've checked oil and it' seems a little to full could this be causing it? Is the oil pressure sender easy to change? And where is it?Also temp gauge is a bit temperamental,it's takes ages to move, the fan kicks it long before it even reads 50degrees, is the temp sender unit easy to change,and where is it? And lastly, there is a whining noise from the rear of the car, like a pump, had a look underneath and it seems to be a pump? Is it a fuel pump? or is it something else.Thank you in advance for any help given, I really would like to keep her, but would like to know if it's gonna cost £100's to fix
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