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PaulFurlong last won the day on June 17 2021

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    S6 5.2 V10
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  1. Hi, got your message, when it happened to mine, same symptoms and it turned out to be a fuel sensor that was intermittently faulty in sending the fuel to the fuel rail, cost me about £140 in the end for a new sensor after the specialist Audi garage spent 2 days looking through my whole fuel system. Hope that helps and hope you get it fixed soon
  2. I am not joking, but i had the exact, i mean exact same symptoms on my S6. took it to my local garage they said it was a fuel problem but recommended that i take it to a VAG specialist. i took it to my local VAG specialist and it had them completely stumped as they couldn't replicate the fault in the garage. after about a week of them having it and as a part was en route from Germany, mainly the fuel pump control module, they changed the low pressure fuel sensor at the rail as it was intermittent and i have not had an issue with it since. i got the car back after a week, £120 cost inc labour, that was 3 weeks ago and not an issue since. i know that they are two completely different engines, i have the V10 not the V8, but the symptoms are identical. hope that sort of helps somewhat. regards Paul
  3. MM, You may have to turn on the Bluetooth in the cars MMI to allow your phone to pick it up, off the top of my head i think you press the TEL button then the SETUP button to access it, however you may have to play about/ask the dealer/private seller. if it doesn't have the Bluetooth option, my advice would be, due to the new legislation, price up a legal handsfree kit, like a parrot system, plus price of fitting and ask for that to be taken off of the asking price. BHP wise the 3.0TDI came with between 221BHP or 230BHP depending on the model, however without placing it on a rolling road, which they should do at the re-map centre, there is no real way of knowing if it has been modified. other people may have different options to find that info out though. remap wise, unfortunately i cant advise as i am not mechanically minded, however i do know of occasions of re-mapped diesel engines still going strong past the 200k mark, i would ask the facility that you intend to choose to carry out the re-map for advice prior but ensuring that it is a respectable company, not one just after your money. Paul.
  4. Morning, prior to getting my S6, I had a 2006 A6 2.0 TDI S Line Avant. with regards to Bluetooth, my vehicle had it, so Bluetooth pairing for my IPhone, i could download my phone book from my phone to the memory in the car, additional options it had was full electric driver and passenger seats, both with lumbar support, electric heated folding mirrors, memory for drivers seat, cruise control and also the 2g mmi dvd based sat-nav which had the RNS(Radio Navigation System) which changed the sat nav directions due to traffic jams being reported. i had my A6 for 2 years and the only issues i experienced was i had to change a headlight bulb and 2 front tyres, apart from that it was as solid as a rock. regards Paul.
  5. With regards to this topic, my wife got a recall letter about 8 months ago regarding her 2010 2.0TDI TT, stating that it was affected with the said scandal and that she would be contacted with regards to taking her car for the emissions update. We have received one letter since, about 3 months ago stating that they hadn't forgotten about the car and we would be contacted soon. After reading the many posts on here with regards to problems/issues Audi owners have been experiencing after the so-called "it wont affect anything update", does anybody know what the legal stance is on refusing the said update because all it seems like to me is problems and ridiculous excuses. Regards Paul
  6. My wife has the same socket on her 2010 TT, all she uses is a normal double headed headphone jack cable and she plays her music from her IPhone through that, she has to change songs manually on the phone though. With regards to calls she just does that through the Bluetooth pairing system that came on the car as standard.
  7. Right, drove her car for about 45 mins last night, no issues what so ever, so the only thing that i can think of is that my wife is a mong and due to the close ratio of the gearbox, she has gone from 1st to 4th and stalled the thing. thanks for the help and advice though! regards Paul
  8. Cheers Trevor, will do.
  9. Good morning all, just posting on behalf of my wife as she has just had an issue with her 09 Audi TT 2.0 TDI. Whilst driving in a normal manner through town, the engine died suddenly, no juddering to indicated that it stalled, just completely cut out. she tried to start the engine again to no avail. she then removed the key from the ignition, re-inserted it and the car started fine only for the issue to happen about 10 mins later. i took the car to work this morning with no issues, as she was afraid that it would cut out on a round-about, i think that she just wanted to drive my S6, but hey ho. has anybody experienced anything like this before/have any ideas about a possible cause, i thought that it might be something as simple as the battery in the key fob is dying so the immobiliser is cutting the engine as it isn't receiving a signal. any help/info would be greatly appreciated. regards Paul
  10. Hi, I am just after some advice due to the fact that the internet doesn't seem to acknowledge the existence of my car. I am currently driving a 2007 S6 Avant and i think that my front bushes are going, I was expecting this at some point due to the V10 lump up front, however I cant seem to find anything on replacement parts for it anywhere without having to go through he main dealer and having to take out a mortgage. could anybody possibly point me in the right direction/advise the best route to go down, ie. can i replace just the bushes or do i have to do the control arms etc. and the best place to look for replacement parts. thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide. Paul
  11. over the moon with it bud, the accelerater took a bit of getting used to, managed to get a hang of it now though, just driving normally its just like any car, quite civilized, still playing about with the flappy paddle and that but oh my god, putting that right foot down, everytime gives me goose bumps and the burble from the V10 especially when you redline it in sport mode is unbelievable!! Good on the motorway also, drove the 160 miles back, about 130 on the motorway, it was effortless, got home, drove about 20 miles round town and decided to top up the fuel and for 180ish miles it cost me £30 and some of the ride back i had to test out the acceleration, so all in all not as bad as i was expecting fuel wise. the only regret i have is not getting one sooner!!!
  12. Already got it. spoke to the dealer a week before i went to look at it, and he said that as it was a 300 mile round trip for me it would be willing to make sure that it was good to go should i want it, was really helpful also, mot the car and serviced it, which i checked and it was fresh oil and filters and the like but didnt stamp the book as it had full audi service history and he didnt want to devalue by putting his stamp in, plus it was only serviced by audi 800 ago so its all good. weather is a bit bad at the moment but will post some pics when it stops raining. best thing is though i just cant believe how quick the thing picks up, on the way back was on an A road and stuck behind a car doin 47, over took and by the time i pulled back in i was doing 95, it is unreal, god knows what the RS6 is like!!
  13. Couldn't justify the extra 10 or so grand for the RS6, would love to have had one though! went and looked at one on Sat, straight as a die, 46,000 miles on a 57 plate so not so bad, took it for a test drive nd fell in love with it, bought it there and then!! Couldn't help myself! Thanks for the advice though Paul
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