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Everything posted by Katepeters

  1. Thanks steve
  2. I have heard nothing at all from Audi not even an acknowledgment. Tbh as its gone so long ive kind of lost hope of hearing or having anything from them. Now I have an issue with my a4 all be it different to the fire and the most they'll do is offer to pay half of the cost as a good will gesture. Im honestly starting to turn from the brand as this is my 3rd audi and all 3 have has masdive issues. I'e lost so much money over the 3 cars it' ridiculous. Can say me turning Japanese sooo if my a4 isnt sorted out to where I'm happy. What is to Audi nothing there one of if not the richest car manufacturers in the world.......not a sorry or an offer of discount to my new one or an offer of a service plan or even a free service???? Nothing just totally ignored........
  3. I will keep everyone posted.. I'm not letting this go. I will take it all the way... national press, watchdog. Audi have a lot to answer for. I'm just lost for words. I'm not a smoker, and no modifications were made to the car which would surly be proved in the engineers report which is being done tomorrow ?? Devastated and broken Kate xx
  4. I will certainly do what you have advised.. my car was 2011 plate.. 6 days short of a 2012. I'm not very good with technology but I will try to link up to your original post. Did you see the pictures I posted ?? I'm absolutely deverstated and can't stop thinking what if I was driving the car with my 2 children in it... or if my neighbour hadn't seen the fire my house would of been burnt to the ground. I wasn't at home when the fire started.. the car hadn't even been driven for a few days. I'm still in a state of shock and very distraught. It's just not good enough is it. I have got the report from the fire investigator which states electrical fault in the dash.. the car was only recovered yesterday to have a another full investigation with a engineer through my insurance. The findings are obviously going to be the same but the more evidence I can get the better. I can't believe Audi are not doing nothing about these fires.. what's it going to take for Audi to take us seriously... death maybe . I'm going to the national press once I've got all the reports I need. Daily mail I know will ask for investigations from the public which are in the public interest. Kate xx
  5. I'm not very good on navigating my way around these forums.. I think I've attached some images x
  6. My A5 went up in flames on my drive Monday. Electrical fault in the dash.. I can't even function properly I'm in so much shock. The fire caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to my house as well. 

  7. My Audi burnt to the ground on my drive Monday causing thousands of pounds worth of damage to my house. After a full inspection from the fire investigators the fire had started through a electrical fault in dash .. I haven't contacted Audi yet just my car insurance and house insurance. I am still in shock about it. We have to make a stand and make Audi listen and do something about this. Kate xx
  8. Monday my A5 burnt to the ground on my drive caused by a electrical fault in the dash.. I can't put into words how upset I am. We all need to make a stand and get answers from Audi. My house has thousands of pounds worth of damage as well.  I will upload photos when I figure out how to do it. Kate xx 

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