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  1. cliffcoggin's post in Flat battery was marked as the answer   
    New battery needed. Don't forget to get it coded to the car.
  2. cliffcoggin's post in Ad blue was marked as the answer   
    I believe the car will warn you when Adblue needs to be topped up.
    Do look through this forum's history for knowledge of the potential Adblue problems you may face in the future, and how to resolve them. You may get the impression there that Adblue is a disaster waiting to happen, and indeed it can be if left to its own devices, but with the right care it can be a trouble-free system.
  3. cliffcoggin's post in Does anybody know where this fits on my passenger seat was marked as the answer   
    Look through recent forum history. I recall seeing a few weeks a post about something similar. I believe it was a limiter for seat travel adjustment.
  4. cliffcoggin's post in Weird glitches all of a sudden was marked as the answer   
    Those are classic signs of a defective battery. When you buy a new one ensure you get it coded to the car else you will get even more problems.
  5. cliffcoggin's post in A3 key fob was marked as the answer   
    I have never done it, but for seven quid it might be worth trying.
  6. cliffcoggin's post in Hill parking question? was marked as the answer   
    To be sure I understand the question, are you saying that:
    - ignition is off,
    - first gear is engaged,
    - handbrake is off,
    - car rolls downhill in jerks.
    Is that correct? If so, that is exactly what I would expect. The jerkiness is caused when each piston arrives at TDC (top dead centre) where compression is at a maximum, hence resistance to motion is at a maximum.
    If I have misunderstood please give more detail.
  7. cliffcoggin's post in TPMS option not available to reset tyre pressures was marked as the answer   
    If the car genuinely has a TPMS there must be a reset switch or menu item. Therefore either you have not found the reset, or there is no TPMS and the warning light is false.
  8. cliffcoggin's post in Rocker arm/tappet clips Broken was marked as the answer   
    I have no certain knowledge of those clips, but I don't believe Audi would add to the cost of the car by fitting them unless they were necessary. When every penny of manufacturing cost has to be justified to the bean counters the design engineers must have had a good reason to fit them.
    I also don't understand how the clips got into the sump. Clearly they were not fitted correctly to the rockers by whoever has had that engine apart in the past, but I don't recall a passage between head and sump large enough for the clips to fall through.
    Of more concern to me is the fact that the engine has been run without lubrication, a potentially destructive operation. Have you driven the car yet, and if so how does it sound and what is the oil consumption?
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