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wrx fifer

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Everything posted by wrx fifer

  1. hi my wife was in a rush on way to work so went to asda and only put in £7 of there diesel and since she done that car is cutting out and she stalled on roundabout and i had to go get her, managed to bump it and take it home, a4 b7 2.0L tdi nightmare luckily she only put so little in but car has not had any other issues before hand at all and no lights on dash so am convinced this is bad fuel as happened immediately after filling. so went and filled up 2 small 5L jerry cans with V-POWER diesel and have brought them home, if i fire this in at house and order a new fuel filter today, for tomorrow should that sort it out ok? or with it being such a small amount would i need a new filter? just curious
  2. thanks for the reply Trevor thats much appreciated, however i only got one key/fob when we bought the car the other day, we got the small plastic master key i think it is in the audi wallet with all its other stuff and paperwork but only one key/fob with the three buttons, put a brand new battery in it and the red led on the fob flashes when buttons are prerssed, so does this mean we will have to buy another key and have it cut before we can get a fob to work? Grant
  3. hi Trevor and thanks for the welcome, posted my first post seems a bit slow in here lol
  4. tried searching on here but cant seem to find anything? anyone
  5. would this be the right section to ask for help on getting my fob key to work with the car as have to put key in lock to open door, posted in the a4 b7 section but wanted to check? Grant
  6. So i am new to the club and just got an Audi a4 2.0L tdi 06 plate which i think is B7, please bear in mind i know next to nothing about Audi hence joining up here, but am good with cars/spannering etc. Anyway only got one fob/key with the car (private sale) guy was just using the fob in the front door, no light on fob said was just battery, so got home last night and bought the cr2032 if i remember correct from asda, there was no battery in the fob! so fitted it pressed button and the wee red light now comes on yay lol. So went out to car tried buttons and nothing works, obviously needs synced to car so went online and found some instructions and have tried about 20 times and nothing Got the master key with it the small plastic one and one proper key that opens doors and starts car, so this is what i tried so far. 1. opened car with key turn, put key in ignition and turn to on only while holding the open button down, turn back off and remove key then let go of button and nothing. second method was you need 2 keys apparently so opened car with key turn, then use master key to turn on ignition, then bring window down encase something goes wrong lol, then go out side, and put key in lock and open door with turn while pressing and holding the unlock button, then lock with key and press lock button after i think 10 seconds then remopve master key from ignition, then try buttons on fob. Thats maybe not exactly how it went as i had it all written down from the internet but cant find the bit paper now seem to have lost it, however nothing works anyway and getting really annoyed and want it working as i dont know how to use the key in the door right and having issues opening all the doors, when i put key in drivers lock and turn to open, only the drivers door opens and no others, then assumed must be the kind that you do it again to open all the others but doesint seem to work right, takes me about a minute or two !Removed! about with it back and fourth and the alarm going off occasionally before i can somehow get them all to open lol, just want it sorted, SO ALL AND ANY HELP MORE THAN APPRECIATED. Grant
  7. so just got a 2006 Audi a4 2.0L tdi so thought would join up and try and get in to them and say hello! Grant
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