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    Audi Q7
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  1. Have you seen a sepang blue in the flesh? If not I really suggest you search the used car part of the Audi website to track one down and go and see it. It is a lovely colour, but for me it does not work on the Q7. Also looks quite different depending on the light, saw the one below recently in a car park, good luck!!
  2. Thanks Trevor. Like you say I was not 100% certain on Sepang Blue so I eventually tracked one down and went to view it! I have to say I love the colour Sepang Blue but when I saw it in the dealers on the Q7I was not blown away, or thought I love it! I'll attach pictures I took of Sepang and Daytona Grey, I have to say it was enough for me to switch to Daytona Grey! More classier for the Q7 I think!!
  3. Did you order a Q7 in the end?
  4. Try www.pfjones.co.uk, fitted a Westfalia to my A6 and done a great job, wiring kit and coding all done. I will be using them again to fit a tow bar to our new Q7!
  5. I am so excited, we have ordered a new Q7 and cannot wait for the car to arrive. But then began the worry about if I have chosen the correct colour. We have specced Sepang Blue, which is a lovely colour and I have seen other Audi's (SQ5, S3 etc) in Sepang blue, but never seen a Q7 in the flesh. Photos online do not always look right. I am thinking about changing the colour to ink blue or daytona grey to make sure this great car looks 'stylish' and 'prestige', I am concerned that sepang blue may 'cheapen' the look of the car. What are your favourite colours for the Q7?Should I stick with Sepang Blue? Not many of these about, whats the reason for that!Great dilemma to have I guess, but cannot make my mind up!!Craig
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