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Everything posted by NicolaM

  1. Hello all, need some help and advice please. My A4 2.0 60 reg has had the emissions update for the EA 189 engine at our usual Audi dealer. A very long story short, after driving the car home and it was fine, the next time I used it, it drove like a tank. The judder from the engine was terrible and you had to press really hard on the accelorator to get any response from engine, then you change gear and the judder starts again and so on until the engine is warm and then the engine is absolutely fine. my car has been at the Audi dealer for three weeks now whilst they try to figure out what is wrong with the car. Audi UK technical have stated categorically that it has nothing to do with the update and it's just a coincidence! I'm not convinced as my car was perfect before the update and now it's broken. Because Audi have said it's not the update I am now being charged labour costs for the technicians to do a more detailed inspection to establish what is wrong! I have never been charged by a garage for a diagnostic before and in the circumstances I feel it very inappropriate. the technician seems to think it's the injector and cylinder head has been mentioned; whatever, it is going to be expensive. i have carried out quite a lot of searches on the internet trying to establish if there is a known problem and it would seem there is. Before the update was released, one article I have read said that Audi would have had to replace all injectors as well but a fix was found for this before release - apparently. There are a lot of reports of engine judder, loss of power, loss of revs, gear box problems etc all from people who had the update, not just Audi, VW Passat and Tiguans seem to be badly effected too. Just like me, they had no problems with their car, took it in good faith to the local dealer to have the update done and now their cars are faulty. This cannot just be a coincidence! has anybody else had this problem? I don't know what to do next, they were going to do the chargeable investigation as priority - that was on Tuesday and I still haven't heard back from them and it's now Thursday but I'm going to have to either pay them or go to another garage who I am willing to trust to work on my Audi (there is one garage in the same city) for work that clearly is as a result of the emissions update. I really regret having the update done and my advice is DON'T DO IT!
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