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Mar4ix last won the day on November 17 2024

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    Audi A3
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  1. As you mentioned earlier, you've got aftermarket radio installed, would suggest disconnect radio first, open glow box and remove rear parcel shelve , in order to see lights. After that lock the car, and come back in 10 min, check all lights are off, as car should go sleep after it's locked, and all lights should be off after 10 min. If car goes sleep, and disconnected radio not helping with battery drainage, the worth to get to car electrician, as there is way to find out which system draws electricity after car goes sleep.
  2. Maybe worth disconnect egr cooler from cooling system, with adapter connect straight to heater matrix, block with blank egr pipe at exhaust (and probably at egr itself also blank vacuum line with bolt) (I have removed whole system altogether), and drive that way to see if you are loosing coolant. ... There will be warning light check engine due egr malfunction (possible code out of ECU), main thing is to find out would loose coolant after disconnected egr cooling system.
  3. More likely steering angle sensor. Sometimes happens if car disconnected from battery for longer time period. I have vcds diagnostics, but couldn't adapt with it (or didn't know how to do it 🙈), but manual adapt did work. If you Google for Audi steering wheel adaptation, it should give exact procedure, as I remember , with straight wheels start engine, then do full lock to right and then to left(each side hold for 5 seconds), then get straight again , then drive for 20 meters, stop, do again full lock right to left(each side hold for 5 seconds), get wheels straight again, than switch off ignition for 20 seconds, start car again... If that sign haven't gone, have to repeat procedure... It took me like 5 times to do it, until steering angle sensor got adapted. Of course if sensor is in good condition, and other steering sensors are in good conditions. I had to do it after I was doing some repairs, and car was disconnected for over the month. Hope that helps.
  4. Hi Folks. I've replaced concert 2 non Bose factory head unit (Audi A3, bkd, 2008) with after market unit pioneer sph-da230dab, got also full wiring kit with steering controll (which I don't have yet) adapter with can bus wiring integrated. Seems to be working fine, just wondering is there a way to display radio info on dashboard ? Or top line will remain blank from now ? Thanks
  5. Handy site wheelfitment dot EU. Can find a lot of car wheel sizes, cross references.
  6. Hi folks. My 2008 Audi, A3, hatchback (3 door version body), eventually speakers degraded, and I am researching for replacement or upgrade . I believe I have concert 2 sound system with standard speaker system. (Not a fancy bosse or Olufsen). Any advice what speakers would be suitable for my car. Thanks.
  7. Isn't abs system supposed do opposite, make car controllable in harsh braking conditions? Sometimes abs kicks in when caliper is quiet seized, and slight touch to brake, system reads from abs sensor that wheel is stalled, triggers abs, even if there is no needed.
  8. Warped brake discs are only a symptom. Real question is - why them got warped, as brake discs not designed to get warped and it's only a symptom of some fault From my experience of work across range of cars (not posing myself as professional mechanic, only diy-er over 15 years of experience ) , real reason why discs ar getting warped, is faulty or incorrectly working brake caliper: - Stuck caliper guides -brake caliper piston got stuck (due rust or dirt under rubber sleeve) - very rear occasions (in 15 years came across only once) wrongly installed bearing, believe or not, but it happend.... after replacing wheel bearing new brake discs, new/ reconditioned caliper , bleed brake system, it stopped destroy brake discs. What are consequences of getting faulty caliper... - warped brake discs, causing vibration while braking and (sometimes) driving. - car getting severely pulled to one side when braking, in very bad cases, it pulls to one side all the time. - if driving longer period in that condition, it speeds up destroy bushings and joints. - overheat the hub, cause wheel bearing grease leak, destroys wheel bearing with continuous consequences. Sorry, about long text, I felt should share my experience and knowledge, might help others. I do feel open of criticism and if someone want add on something, feel free to add. Thanks.
  9. Why I ask about check engine light, as it is directly connected to ECU, if it is not illuminated, that mean car is not controlled by ECU , and won't fire up, as ECU have no power. Disconnect amplifier. Replace fuse , see if it is solution.
  10. When switch on ignition (but not start) , does check engine sign gets illuminated? Do you see check engine symbol?
  11. Ok. Found problem. That wire before cluster was fixed many years ago by myself, used wrong wire, it corroded through... So just get fix that wire and I'm sorted.... Thanks God nothing more serious 👏
  12. Sorry, that's number 5 , blue with red wire
  13. Ok. 12 volts comes to switch on black with violet line colour wire, when I join the wires on switch, light not comes up. Second wire is blue. That means that blue wire is broken somewhere ... On the way to cluster... Will do test wire to the back.
  14. So just found that white wire, number 4, is power feed for reverse light.
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