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    A4 Avant 2.5TDi quattro
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  1. That's possible if it's something that needs to be cleaned / replaced from time to time. I've had the car 8 years and have not done anything with regards to that. It's been mostly normal routine stuff like oil, suspension, brakes, timing belt and the bits, new water hoses as they have gradually perished. Any term in particular that I should google to see if that's something I can try? I'll start with 2.5tdi crankcase ventilation 🙂 Thanks for your input all
  2. Aye, 'tis a bugger 🙂 I was just looking at a picture of the back of a 2.5tdi engine and looks like the sump actually comes up to the bottom of the crank seal. I've had a mild leak for years - thought it was the sump and was planning to possibly finally have a go at that once the weather was better. This much increased oil leak has been relatively sudden. From underneath it looks like the fresh oil is coming from higher up than the sump. Would a rear crank seal mainly leak from the bottom or could be anywhere on it? Any other possible suspects (manifesting on both sides makes me think something fairly central?) Also, when had the car up on axle stands yesterday (so tipped backwards in effect) it wasn't leaking until I ran the engine then fresh oil would start to appear within 30 seconds on both sides, gathering then dripping off the flat undersides of various things. I'm wondering the 'tipping up' exacerbates the issue. And does the fact that leaks much more obviously when running help to rule anything out as the source of the big leak (such as sump)?
  3. That's not a bad idea. I hope they will entertain it
  4. I'm on the road with axle stands 🙂 Probably even struggle with clearance to get the box out! Flipping nightmare. V6 into A4 equals not much room for any job I've done so far. Just grabbed some wheel bearings and front driveshafts too but doesn't even feel worth trying these until this leak is resolved one way or the other. May have to bin the car which would be a shame as, whiilst it's getting on at 240k, it drives lovely. I'm assuming it's the crank seal rather than the sump as there's a lot of oil above the line of the sump. Any sure fire way of confirming? Anyone ever had the job done by a garage? Any ballpark figures? Thanks
  5. Thanks. Do you mean the Q7 one? Not too much info in there if so
  6. Rear of engine and gearbox covered in oil. Had a look underneath with undertray off, cleaned it up some and ran the engine and within a minute I've got oil appearing on both sides. Very little room to see the source but based on the rough location I'm thinking this could be the rear crank seal. I'm finding it hard to find any info about the replacement of this. Has anyone replaced one? Any idea where I might find some info? Thanks
  7. Hi folks. Had this car for 6 months and it has a sporadic misfire. No obvious interval but let's say every hundred miles to give an idea. Happens at lowish revs (1.2-1.5k) usually on a mild incline (so moderate acceleration) and has happened in 4th, 5th and 6th gears. I generally try to avoid the circumstances under which it might occur (so often keep revs above 1.5K on mild inclines) or it may happen a bit more regularly. When it happens it feels like it misses a beat - quite a violent single stutter. Possibly occurring slightly more often as the last 6 months has progressed. I'm new to Audis and new to diesels. Any obvious contenders for the possible cause? thanks John
  8. Hi, Picked up a 2.5tdi a4 avant quattro (2004) a few months ago. I've tended to do a lot of my own work on previous cars (usually with the help of a haynes manual). It's time for a service and i've got a couple of other jobs I'd like to do too so I've had a look for a Haynes manual for this car but the only ones I can find don't cover 2.5 v6 diesel or quattro. I'm assuming that what I am looking for does not exist. So what do folk in the same boat use? thanks
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