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somerskev last won the day on September 30 2014

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    Cars, Woodworking, football, music
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  • Audi Model
    A4 Quattro

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  1. Welcome to the club mate, beautiful car
  2. Welcome to the club!!
  3. Thanks Mate, i have done some research and the Garmin seem to have the best feedback. even though i only really use it in the UK it is good to know if i ever end up in Kazakhstan i will know where the main roads are :D
  4. Hi Chaz, i bet she is very happy, the easiest way to upload at the momnent would be to host your file on a website such as Photobucket,(these are free for this service) then use the insert image button when creating your post, i think if you post the pictures in the Audi A3 section for all to admire. i look forward to seeing them
  5. looks like a call to the main dealer then :( thanks for your help mate
  6. I am looking to get a new sat nav as mine had a life ending accident at the hands of my 3yr old daughter. Which would people reccomend so far i am looking at a Garmin are these good or are there better ones on the market? Thanks Kevin
  7. Hi When i purchased my Audi it only came with one key, i am a little concerned that if i lose this key i could be in for huge exspense, I was just wondering if peoples spare keys are complete with fob or just a key? Can i obtain a spare without having to go through a main dealer? Any advice much appriciated thanks Kevin
  8. I have started using it, will post any improvements i find
  9. Hi James, Welcome to the club, you may want to put your car in our audi market place section, cheers kev
  10. Welcome, hope your wife enjoys her new ride, kevin
  11. If you haven't already checked it out here is the AOC Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/audiownersclub Hope you enjoy it Kevin
  12. Did you get your intermitent thermostat fixed mine has just started to play up. Sometimes it reads fine then it will just stop working.
  13. I have used super Unleaded/ Ultimate unleaded petrol before in my car, it has been researched that it is cleaner and offers more MPG and better performance. Has anyone experienced this first hand and would they reccomend using it, or is the difference so small it does not warrant the extra price per litre. Thanks
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