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  1. Hi all, have been approached by a friend to do a rear differential oil and filter change on a Mk1 Quattro. Having little to no experience working on TT's can anyone tell me where the diff oil filter is (if there is one) and how hard it is to change. Have found a YouTube video on how to do the oil change. What oil would you recommend to use? Thanks in advance John
  2. I had a similar issue with mine, I take it your front washer jets are working? If so the rear jets are likely blocked. If you take off the cover at the base of the wiper there a a little black twin jet that just pulls off. Try the rear washer with it off, the fluid will go about four or five foot. If that works the jets are blocked, I used a bristle from an old wire brush to unblock mine but new can be bought relatively cheap on eBay or such sites. As for the wiper itself the motor could be on it's way out, new of these again are on eBay for about £35. I replaced mine in March, it was easy enough with a bit of patience. There's four t20 torx screws to remove from the inner boot liner (2 in the 'hand grips' and 2 where the emergency triangle is stored) a bit of force to pull the liner out, being careful not to lose the little metal clips and the wiper motor is there. You'll need to take the wiper arm off from the outside off the boot before taking the wiper motor out. Hope this helps John
  3. Over the last week or so my drivers door window has been working intermittently and just today the door won't unlock or open. The controls for the other windows still work on the drivers door and the central locking button works to lock and unlock all the doors but the drivers door. Has anyone had this happen to them or can anyone point me in the right direction to fix it? Tia John
  4. If you take you battery out you should be able to find the two drainage holes, they get blocked over time with all manner of gunk. One is directly under the battery, the other is under the brake/clutch master cylinder. you need to take the battery out to get access though. I've had to do this earlier this year.
  5. Hi I'm looking at buying the universal phone cradle to use with my samsung phone but the description says it needs to have full contact between the back of my phone and the cradle for the bluetooth pairing to work properly. My phone is too big to provide full contact. Is this right as I can already use the bluetooth in my car to make phone calls without the cradle just not use the steering wheel controls or voice commands.
  6. The pin code for your phone and car to pair should be in the owners manual. If I remember right it will either be 0000 or 1234.
  7. Thanks for all the help and advice guys, finally got the bolt loose with the help of a hammer and cleared both the blocked bungs, water drained and battery bay cleaned up. John
  8. Thanks for the link to the video Jacques, will be doing this later once I can get the rusty and seized bolt to come loose so I can get the battery out. John
  9. My battery is more central. My cabin filter is passenger side. Am hoping the drainage hole is under the battery directly and is just blocked with leaves or something John
  10. Thanks for your quick reply Brad, it's the drainage system I'm trying to find. The water is getting in through the grills around the wiper motor(s) as the battery is pretty much at the base if the windscreen. I am hoping there's a drainage hole under the battery somewhere. Am having trouble getting the battery out as the bolt is rusted in and has a stripped head.
  11. Hi all, not sure I'm putting this in the right place, administration please relocate if necessary. I have recently found out I have about an inch of water under the battery in my A4-B7. I am trying to get the battery out so as to attempt to see if there's a drain hole for water to run out through. Does anyone know if there is a drain hole and if so where I should be looking for it. Many thanks in advance John
  12. Marc, if you haven't already sorted this, I seem to remember watching a YouTube video on how to do this as I was looking into doing it myself. It can be done, but you need a new double din frame that replaces the single din frame in the centre console, the A/C panel can either be modified by filing down the sides or replace with another unit. Video below
  13. Dave Wirral what wax did you use to seal after you'd used the Autosol? Am thinking of doing mine soon is all
  14. Hi All, Am new to this forum, bought my 2005 A4 Avant a week or so ago and thought I'd join a forum. Had a few problems with it that I've sorted already with a few more to sort in the future. Sorted problems are the snapped glove box hinge (common problem from what I've been told by an A4 saloon owner I work with) and the warning triangle cover locking tab had snapped. Problems to sort are rear washer jets don't spray water and boot storage lockers won't lock shut, any advice or links to repairs solutions very welcome. Thanks in advance John
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