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    A5 Black Edition
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  1. Hi Guys, Just to let you know, the tyre pressures now are the same as before on the old tyres, exactly what it states on the inside door panel the pressures should be. I thought the alignment could be the problem as you say Trevor but no wheel alignment was done (to my knowledge) when the new tyres were put on and the problem was still solved so definitely a strange one but Im just glad its fixed :) Thanks!
  2. Before I start, I have an A5 Black edition 1.8 TFSI Multi-tronic FWD 2015 and before this I had the same but the S-line version 2012 so my experience comes from both these cars having the same problem. However I have read across different forums of other A5 specs with the same problem. Problem 1 being excessive wheel spin/jump whenever accelerating and I'm not talking Fast & Furious accelerating, I'm talking pulling into a roundabout, leaving a set of lights, exiting a junction and basically most normal driving scenarios that require a little pull to get going. Spoke to the Audi garage about it and they said that the torque for the 1.8 is too much for the type of car or some BS so it's "Normal" Problem 2 is either reversing or going forwards in full lock the car makes a horrible clunking sound as if the wheel is catching on the trim or jerking about the place, not a nice sound on your £40k car though! Dealer again said this is "Normal" for A5's The solution, amazingly was the tyres.... I bought both my cars brand spanking new on order so they came with tyres fitted at the factory "Pirelli's" 255/35 R19 96Y. All four tyres needed replacing so I opted for a good British tyre that was actually cheaper than the big names "Avon ZZ5" with the exact same tyre specs... problem solved! Absolutely no clunking (I've tested it a LOT) and wheel spin...whats that?? I can now actually experience a bit of the power the car has to offer when accelerating without skidding all over the place and looking like a tool! I dont know what kind of deal Audi has with Pirelli and I'm no expert but its as f the tyres are wrong type for the car?? Either that or "Avon" tyres are far superior, hopefully someone with a bit of knowledge will be able to clarify this. So there you go, having this problem... change the tyres!!! Preferably to "Avon"!!
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