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  1. Update: Bought it, we're in the club.,😁
  2. Thanks. 4 years later and I’m back again! Right, we're at the point of purchase so would really appreciate some quick advice. The sister in law is selling her A3 (that’s what made the wife notice A3's in the first place). Going to have a drive in it this afternoon - I realise it may have hard suspension! It’s a 66 plate 2017 car in metallic grey. 34,000 miles, always serviced at main dealer, she’s had it nearly three years, it’s a 5 door 1.4 Black edition S Line model. Any good? Is this an 8V model? Is this a facelift car or on the cusp of a changeover - sorry, don’t know too much about these. Oh, she said if we want it we can have it for whatever WBAC value it at so that seems fair enough. This is it. Any info on these would be great. Do these have the COD engine? Any common problems with them? This is it:
  3. At the end of the day, it's what someone else will pay for it. :-(
  4. Diesel fuel is a lubricant for the high pressure fuel pump. If you put petrol in it, the chances are the pump has run unlubricated and basically chewed itself up. Usually, the fine metal particles produced by running the pump without lubrication eventually find their way into the injectors as well and that's why its normally bad news when the pump has to be replaced. Best take it to a specialist for confirmation. You could try running it a bit longer but a broken engine is not like a broken bone or a cut to the skin - it won't get better by itself!
  5. Thanks, but even the Evoque is not really used off road so I'll be staying away from 4WD. A bit more reading on here and I've discovered what the 8l, p and v mean. It's the year range! At least I know I'll be looking for an 8V model year 2013 onwards. Nex question, what'd this COD (Cylinder on demand) engine? Does it run on three cylinders and then on four when you put your foot down? Sounds wierd - any problems with that?
  6. Hi all Just signed up as looking to get an A3 for my wife. Currently have an Evoque Dynamic and an old (2008) Golf 1.9 diesel. Had the Evo for over a year and it's a nice car but wifey has thought from day one that it's 'too flashy'. Anyway, long story short, the Evoque sits on our drive all week while she goes to work in the Golf. Too juicy, too flashy, too big to park, too frightened of getting a door dink etc. Etc... Mind you, we do use it at weekends when we take the dog out! Now looking to replace the Evoque with a nice A3 that can be used as her daily driver but I'm a bit confused about models. What's the 8L,P and V models? What we are looking for is an economical 5 door, hatchback, manual gearbox and preferably with leather seats and a few toys etc. but NOT hard suspension/low profile tyres and rock hard bucket seats - had a 2.0 Golf GTTDI like that and it wasn't pleasant to drive.. Would prefer a petrol engine for a change - last 5 cars have been diesels and we only do around 8,000 miles per year but not opposed to diesel. When we sell the Evoque we will have a budget at least £25K but would prefer to spend a lot less and then get an older 4WD for use as the weekend dog carrier! Could I get something specced above for around the £15K mark - don't want her getting all precious about parking it up! Any common problems to look out for regarding particular engine/gearbox combinations? Anything else to be aware of? Thanks
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