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rbdazza last won the day on May 25 2017

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    A4 avant 2.0TDI S-Line
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  1. not too worried on the job front just yet,. playing it by ear. the car i am hoping will be ok today. although £200 to get an injector same day was a kick in the balls. i suppose i could have just picked the car up and paid the £50 diags and finished the job myself but on this occasion i am leaving it to the pros lol. plus, don't wanna !Removed! them off as i've got my ex's civic in the same garage for a gearbox fault
  2. thanks for your messages guys. i'm enjoying the time off (secretly) although would be better if the car was running as i'd be off camping again if so! So, i was right on the fuel feed, found the option in VCDS to run the tank pump and goit a good spray of diesel EVERYWHERE! So decided that it's eother HP pump or injector/s. I have to bow my head and admit its in the garage, lol. They've called and said that for sure number 4 injector has had it, so one of them on order. Fingers crossed that there is nothing else at fault! If it's just the injector i'll get them to do the long overdue cambelt whilst its in. I've recently done the oil and filter so will treat it to a diesel and air filter too.
  3. i think i've answered my last question, one line has a sensor which i assume is the temp sensor and the other has the return from the injector leak offs. i'm assuming that the one with the sensor is the feed, as we only need to know the temp of the feed fuel. so, i've got both pipes sat in a bottle and i've tried locking unlocking and putting the key in, one of which should activate the pump, i'm pretty sure i can hear it trying to pump. i've also tried initiating the pump from VCDS but it errors out due to safety, which i assume is fuel too low!? now i'm wondering if itsgot any diesel in lol, gauge is on 1/8th so off to get a jerry can and carry on testing...
  4. ta mate, i'm sure it will all come well in the end. 1 other question, can anyone confirm which pipe under the bonnet is the supply and which is the return? one of them has the feed from the leak off pipes attach to it
  5. I've been quiet for a while, got made redundant in July so been drowning my sorrows, hiding out, going camping of course job hunting. Anyway, yesterday to top it off the car broke down. Struggles to start and when it does it won't rev and glow plug light flashes, then it'll cut out. Fuel related, must be. Code that comes back is low fuel/rail pressure. I want to start from the back (cheapest and work forward) but i can't find where the tank access is, does any one know? Also, when should the sender pump run? i've read that it runs when you unlock the car? i've had both fuel hoses off under the bonnet and am getting no fuel, but i need to confirm when that pump should run. I haven't seen an error code for the sender pump but there could be a blockage?
  6. not sure i'd have gone for a 1.2 seat LOL. i'd have deffo bought the A5 and gone with my suggestion lol
  7. assuming the answer to both of those questions is yes; a partial block won;t do anything other than maybe keep your intake a lot cleaner, it can still fail, kick up a fault and cost you dosh. just take the car for a remap and have the EGR disabled, you will also get back some of that fuel economy lost from the emissions update. on to your second point regarding your driving style. i agree, that is better suited to a petrol car. i don;t think you can show DPF info on the in car display, but you can see it in VCDS. if you wait for the dash light to come on before trying to give it a blast down the motorway you will most definitely have problems. My advice would be, if you haven't bought it yet, buy a petrol. if you have bought it, get an EGR/DPF delete and remap and save yourself the inevitable hassle.
  8. are you saying you own a car that has had the emissions update? and you want to partially block the egr due to reports of them failing?
  9. i don;t know, sorry mines a manual,. i can get you their details if you want to call them
  10. no idea about the retro fit but the place where i got my a4 remapped do auto box mapping. they are in notts though.
  11. not particularly helpful and neither was your first post. although yeah a check before buying would have been good. What model is it Pedro?? as said, Audi don;t include a lot on base models but there are options available to you to retro fir a connection, just depends how much you want to spend ,
  12. I think what they will do is lower the smoke thresholds and do away with the visual check. So injector cleaner might help. I think it was around 09 dpfs became mandatory even though earlier models had them however I think it will be that if the car should have one it will have a different test to one that wasn't manufactured with one, regardless of age. I process veg to biodiesel, interestingly it emits 50% less particulates that derv and is the sole reason I had a dpf delete. It is also as near to co2 neutral as you can get. My conscience is clear haha.
  13. See my comment on the other thread. Get a stage 1 remap done on your car and forget about it.
  14. I haven't read all of the posts on this forum so forgive me. I'm commenting as I've read of lots of people's experiences and have too received a letter today telling me to take my car in for the recall. That certainly won't be happening. The recall is a "fix" not an upgrade and certainly not a legal requirement. What I believe they are doing is forcing the car to meet the same emissions standards in long term use as they forced it to meet when it was first tested and detected the testing equipment plugged in. In order to decrease the emissions the performance and economy will be worse. I imagine that they are also making the egr valve do things it was never designed to do hence it failing. If it were me I would be taking it straight a loca tuner and getting a stage 1 remap with egr delete done. It isn't expensive and will transform your car. Until Audi admit fault I don't see another option.
  15. The best option would to be to not have it done. But yeah you can have it "un done" by a remap, but you shouldn't have to. Dan, the reason these mapping companies won't comment on the MOT side of things is that, as yet, there is no steer on how they could test. There is no universal way to check via ODB so the only really option is a particulate counter, I don't believe they currently exist in an affordable way for all MOT stations to be mandated to use them. I truly believe in emissions controls, however they should not be to the detriment of the end users wallet, DPFs are useless and costly for the owner (both in repairs and the increased MPG), EGRs generally only activate when idling so other than taxis where's the benefit? most modern cars have stop start anyway. Oh and they are massively prone to failure AND the sole cause of the entire inlet side coking up impacting on performance, reliability and economy.
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