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Everything posted by ChrisX

  1. This may be helpful for some owners looking for an update: https://www.audiupdates.com/navigation-updates
  2. I'm not only an S3 Cabriolet Newbie (bought the car last weekend) but this is my first Audi ! I've owned several cabriolets/convertibles such as the Rover 216, MR2, S2000 (great car) & more recently an M3 and must say I'm well impressed thus far with Audi. My last car was a more practical choice (Honda Civic) that I lovinglymodified with the help of the owners forum so I'm hoping to be able to do the same based off advise from this site - any help & guidance will be greatly appreciated. My car is an x demonstrator so has a boat load of options that I'm yet to fully navigate round but will be finding time this weekend to have a good play; the manual is a bit daunting to say the least. Bye for now but I look forward to chatting with as many members as possible some time soon.
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