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Kapil Mistry

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  1. The company coming to me is actually a remap company, I remapped the car when i bought it. A few weeks back they did a rollback on the gearbox software which helps but didnt fully resolve the issue. They are coming back to perform a further rollback which "should" resolve the issue completely. Will keep you posted.
  2. Hi Cabiali, I heard something very similar from another mechanic. I have been trying to piece the timeline together and i believe the issue for me only surfaced after it went into the dealer (March-June 2017), so it is possible an update was applied while it was there....very hard to pin point. I have someone coming to see my car on Friday with the foresight of trying to downgrade the software versions. I'll let you know how it goes. Best, Kapil
  3. Hi, Unfortunately the issue still persists, i havent got to the bottom of it. As of May the car is now out of Audi warranty which is very frustrating. Are you experiencing a similar issue? Best, Kapil
  4. Hi Lee, I haven't put it on a rolling road so cant exactly verify it however its meant to be 405 BHP & 555 ft-lb torque. How about yours? Kapil
  5. Morning Steve, Thanks for your reply. Audi has not changed the gearbox as according to them the 8 speed gearbox in the SQ5 is fully automatic and as such doesn't require maintenance. Issue 1: Snappy Gear Changes The issue of snappy (unsmooth) gear changes both on up and down shift is completely intermittent. Everytime the car has gone to Audi they have performed a "reset" on the gearbox so that it readapts. During the re-adaptation period (which i class as 100 miles or so) the car drives almost perfectly however after this the old characteristics seem to reappear. Issue 2: Revs Holding In 1st/2nd Gear The issue of the revs holding in 1st/2nd gear is a new development however this is continuous. Anything more than a light touch of acceleration and you'll notice the revs holding. Strangely, get the car above 3rd/4th gear and the issue disappears even at low revs. My knowledge on these cars is very limited however do we know if the 8 speed gearbox is double clutched? Perhaps an issue with the primary clutch, just thinking out loud here. I took an Audi technician out in the car, he drove it and noticed the revs issue, they kept the car for almost a week and said they couldn't replicate the issue! Thanks, Kapil
  6. Hi Steve, I have used http://www.dmsautomotive.com/ many times, would highly recommend these guys. Hope this helps. Kapil
  7. Hi, I'm having a little issue with my SQ5 which i am hoping someone can shed some light on. For the past 2-3 months I have noticed the car doing something very weird whenever I accelerate (anything more than a gentle touch) from standstill. At points during 1st and 2nd the revs seem to hold somewhere between 1-2k rpm and then drop before continuing to move through the revs as normal. During this "hold" it is still accelerating however can be a little jerky when the revs drop. The car has been in and out of Audi 3-4 times for gearbox issues (I complained about gear changes not being smooth) which they were neither able to replicate or resolve. I do know that during the various visits the car it has had software updates applied to both ecu and gearbox. I maybe way off but i'm thinking one these updates could have caused this issue, or it is something else. Anyone else had a similar issue? Thanks, Kapil
  8. Hi, In the end I went with DMS http://www.dmsautomotive.com/ who I have used on my past 2 cars. Thanks for all your advice. Kapil
  9. Sorry, i should have been more specific. I am referring to an ECU remap / tune up, to increase bhp. Thanks, Kapil
  10. Hi everyone, I am new both to this forum and Audi. I recently purchased a 2015 SQ5 and wanted to know if anyone had any recommendations for remapping suppliers. On my previous two cars (non Audi) I used DMS Automotive which i was happy with however they are a little on the pricey side. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Kapil
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