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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. not sure. I've done a bit of research on the internet but nothing about the new a3 model. only older models. to me it looks like a clip on trim but don't want to start pulling the thing and beak it
  2. hi Rich always happy to help If you you want to get the obdeleven I suggest buying it straight from the supplier https://obdeleven.com/en/
  3. hi Rich you can not reset the faults from the car settings you will need to go to a garage or get yourself a little bluetooth diagnostic tool from the internet you can find very cheap ones which will only find the faults and easily reset them or get the obdeleven one for about £40 and will might be handy for a few changes here and there
  4. Hi all I just noticed on the electronic hand break button the chrome bit is starting to peel off and it reveals the ugly white plastic underneath. this I think is due to my wifes nails 😤 does anyone know if this can be taken off and how ? so I can wrap it or paint it Bstrgrds Sunny
  5. hi Chef can you take a picture of your lights please you can maybe use obd eleven to unlock it my 2014 model doesn't have them but I've managed to do something similar see video below VID-20181013-WA0013.mp4
  6. hi Stuart you can look on ebay for boot lid audi badge nd make sure it has the M3 double tape some people don't like any chrome trims/badges I would've gave you mine when I took it off 😁
  7. hi Otto welcome to the forum my local dealer suggests me to change it at 60K I personally think it can easily do 100K
  8. I suggest obdeleven too has better reviews then carista I found a way in the car menu too start the car . press menu then car. go to service & control and service intervals and at the bottom you should find reset oil intervals I think
  9. Dear Sqrtsal Apologies for replying so late Please see the picture I think this is the MMI type
  10. hi Sqrtsal Welcome to the forum I have no idea. my wife uses it every day I will have a look tomorrow . The trouble is I put a dvd in too and the eject button doesn't work . Also tried all sort of video formats . different quality. sd card/usb stick and nothing.
  11. hi i have seen loads of phone holders on the internet at the moment I am using this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N8WBK0K/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_B3E9zb1F5GZ10 but i have seen this one too and it looks very good https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.ca%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132309473436
  12. hi all was wandering if anyone can help i own an audi a3 saloon (63 plate) and i can't plat any video from the sd card or the phone. there are loads of videos on the internet showing the same model playing video clip also tried all sort of formats mpg/vmw/avi/mpeg/mp4...etc nothing seems to work i just ordered an obd2 bluetooth so i can unlock the engineering menu(green menu) has anyone encountered the same problem? thank you in advance Sunny
  13. HI I'm not a specialist but I know that you need the sd card inserted.and i'm sure that's why you get the error. depending where you bought the car from . if private then the previous owner decided to make some extra xash on selling it i guess. have a look on ebay maybe you can find one. or borrow one from someone else.i'll be more than happy to give you mine only to see if it works. Sunny
  14. Hi Xalix i recently bought an a3 saloon 63 plate and sometimes the fan stays on even when it was -5 outside. weird...
  15. Hi Alan i own a a3 2013 just had a polen filter replacement at the dealership and ive noticted they've empty my glove box to change it. plus there was some small leeves in there so it might worth a look in there
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