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Envy last won the day on January 25 2023

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    South West
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    A6 Avant
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  1. I have MMI plus on my A6 C7. I upgraded the FW on the MMI to include Apple / Android support. Now have Earth view back on G MAps and speed camera triggers on Apple Maps. Upgrade was from a free download that is held in another thread on here.
  2. Hi Mitch, unfortunately I did not get to see the actual codes that were being logged. Just a very helpful Audi specialist who read the codes and was able to fix the issue. It is possible that the flashing glow plug lamp on the dash could indicate a multitude of faults but in each case mine were the emissions temperature sensors. Hope it is something simple. Tom
  3. Interestingly your tyre choices are deemed ok for Wet Grip / all season. What sort of mileage have you done on them? Is it hydroplaning or general lack of wet grip you are suffering from? Hydroplaning is where the tyre is separated from the road surface due to excessive water on the road surface, lack of wet grip can be down to harder compounds, new tyres still having releasing agent on them from manufacturing or even poor wheel alignment. Are you liberal with the polish on your car - could the tyres have picked up waxes from polishing? Out of interest how does your ESP cope with it?
  4. May have been shared on here before but following the demise of Google Maps support on my MMI and the better half buying a car with Apple Carplay I have been looking for options to the point of considering a dash mount phone holder. Once again Google has the answer to my quest and a very helpful Chap on the Web has put on YouTube download links attached to clear instructional videos. Now I am sure there may be licencing clauses in sharing software etc. but if you look for Mr-fix on the Tinterweb you will find your way to an Aladdin's Cave full of free hints, tips and media that may be of use to someone (Worked for me). Note there are risks for dabbling in the world of Software as Mr-fix warns of but with a fair degree of care all should be well. Next for me is the 2022 Maps update 🙂
  5. Just had a second temperature sensor replaced in DPF section of exhaust. When they fail they flag up the Glow Plug warning light flashing. At around £120 they are not a disposable and mine have failed around the 75k miles mark. Get the codes read and it will identify if it is a temp. sensor and which one
  6. Envy


    Not sure how DEF would directly affect EGR as it is applied in the DPF way down stream in the catalytic process. I presume ineffective regen of DPF and subsequent blocking could result in backup of particulates but this would normally be flagged by more frequent regnerations.
  7. Having a Towbar fitted by a reputable supplier should not impact on your car Warranty Have you explored other options to get one fitted other than by a main dealer?
  8. On my A6 C7 the glow plug warning light flashing indicated that the Pre DPF temperature sensor was failing. Not saying it is the same for yours but.... The lamp is a common fault indicator and you need to get the codes read to pin point the fault. If temp sensor then not critical when intermittent but will affect regen cycles long term resulting in possible future DPF blockage.
  9. A mate had issues with his A7 air suspension after having a towbar fitted. Have you had the system reset / calibrated on a near perfect level surface? It seems to be a bit of a black art getting it set back up right but when plumb should not give you any further trouble.
  10. Totally agree with Gareth - springs should be changed in pairs to maintain a handling balance - please also check the seating of the offending spring by jacking the car up. Had a bad experience of a broken spring moving and tearing the inside tyre wall out whilst driving. Do not want to scare you in any way but its not a job to put off for too long. My A6 is now being taken care of by a local specialist using genuine Audi parts. All service work is done to schedule and updated on the online records. A quick Google search will help you find the best option and recommendation on here can be a valuable thing. Shame mine is too far away. The Audi main dealer experience is not a bad one but does come at a cost - the free coffee and muffins must contribute to the £100+ labour costs.
  11. I did not comment on it being a MAP sensor fault. My issue (failing exhaust gas temp sensor) if left unchecked and left to fail more often / completely would have led to a loss of regen functionality that would in turn screw the DPF. No explicit dash warning to identify the sensor but a glow plug warning and momentary engine warning light were the trigger to get it investigated by a specialist that charged nothing for the diagnostic work.
  12. Read my original post on this thread ^^^^
  13. Sensor was the Pre DPF exhaust gas temperature sensor.
  14. So sensor has been replaced at a specialist with OEM type for the princely sum of £215. To go at 70K miles a little disappointing.
  15. Have you seen any glow plug warning light? Mine started flashing up the Glow Plug warning light intermittent and then an ECU warning that went away in its own time too. I took it to my local specialist who read the logged faults and a failing exhaust gas temperature sensor was identified. Seems to be a notorious point of failure and can effect regen cycles if left unfixed. Not surprising considering where the sensor head sits and what it is exposed to. The fault on mine is intermittent and have booked it in for replacement during next service at soonest possible date.
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