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Everything posted by Envy

  1. A friends Wife's A3 had its EGR fail post update and Audi are covering the cost of repair. Whether this is a new policy or good will due to them being a 2 Audi Family I cannot say but it would be good news to those experiencing the issue now and possibly retrospectively...
  2. Note Paul and Adian that your car hardware was released 5 years apart - could still be hardware compatibility issue...
  3. No worries. It can be disconcerting at first but you get used to it. Not like cars of old where the braking servo assist would die as soon as the engine stopped. If you have hill assist this is a nice feature. When you have pulled up and engine stopped you can take your foot off the brake and wait. When ready to pull away dap throttle and engine will start, press further and hill hold will release and you are away. Another surprise you may not have had yet is when you have pulled up and engine has stopped - you have not got out of car yet and are chatting through the window. All of a sudden car decides enough is enough and starts engine again. These forums are a font of knowledge and why I am here too. Enjoy the car.
  4. There was a similar thread on the A6 C7 forum but the OP declined to offer any further update. My 2016 A6 will cut out coasting up to stopped traffic, lights etc. It did take some getting used to but I find it ok for if you had to change direction quickly this would bring the engine back to life smartish.
  5. The warning gives you plenty of notice so don't panic - most forecourts now have it for sale but I have found Amazon cheapest - see below. Normally comes on after about 10k miles. Do not go for any overpriced VAG special fitting bottle - the generic spout will fit and your wheel brace undoes the cap on the car. I use a speed brace and socket. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B019CMLYO2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 VAG are happy to sell if for +/- £5 / litre - some folk are happy to pay that... Relax and enjoy the ride and do not panic about it. It ain't so bad as some would like you believe.
  6. First things first Audi AMI https://www.audi.co.uk/glossary/a/audi-music-interface.html Now we have what the primary issue is - Plugging a phone from 2013 into a head unit from circa 2009 via USB. I would be surprised if the firmware of both devices would remain compatible over this period of time. This is where a generic USB/BT (Bluetooth) interface such as suggested may work but you are still relying on USB support from hardware that has been around some time supporting a recently released / manufactured device. This is the same issue that many owners of new phones have trying to get BT support in cars that are older. I would be surprised if Audi have maintained SW compatibility with Apple devices for so long.
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