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    Q5 sline
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  1. i have a 2011/12 (unsure) q5 automatic, i bought it in april last year (2016) in feb 2017 i had to give it back to the garage i bought it of as it had 1 year guarantee, it was a gear box problem, basically it cut out and some times i wait agers before it would start again! i waited 6 weeks for them to give it to a garage that deals with gear boxes, that garage told me it was due to a sensor in the gear box, ever since i got it back its been fine up till last week when i started to notice when i was coming to a stop the car felt like it was slightly juddering/jerking like it wanted to stal, on the odd occasion it has stalled? but my car is automatic?. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any idea what it can be? thanks guys
  2. Thanks people.. so far where am at.. took the car back to the garage I bought it from as it was 11 months into the warranty he has sent it to a "x audi mechanics" he's seems to think a modular is over heating.. not had the car for a week now.. will update you when I know more
  3. Hello, this my first post to this forum and this is my first audi I have owned.. I bought it as used car 7 months into having it the flashed up a message, gearbox malfunction you can continue to drive... until it conked out. I then had to turn the car off put into p then take the key out and wait a few minutes until it's started as normal. I took it back and the guy from the garage said he done a software update.. worked fine up till yesterday but was 10 minute I had to wait.. does any body know exsactly what this problem is as he is taking it to the garage and I want to know what he has done to fix it. Preferably if I tell him what the problem is and what needs doing. I got the codes to the problem.. if any one is familiar with them... 8052 8053 8947 any help or Information i would really appreciate (Audi Q5 sline diesel, 2011/12 not sure)
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