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    South Shields UK
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    A4 1.8
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  1. Diolch Gareth, Kind regards
  2. Cymru am byth Gareth, Diolch. Actually i'm a long way from my family in Abergavenny. Based in the North East of England but they do have a Welsh Society and we meet to watch the rugby, booking a side room in a pub in Newcastle. The main problem seems to be the age of the car, all the independent auto sparkies don't have kit going that far back anymore :( Maybe its just time for another car.
  3. Hi,I've had a look through this forum and couldn't come up with any answers. Its a shame but i think my 1995 Audi A4 will have to be scrapped even though it is mechanically sound.It won't start for more than a couple of seconds before stalling. Was led to believe this is in relation to the immobiliser, flashing orange light on the dash that won't go out.I replaced the reader coil and bought a new ignition barrel and keys from Audi as the ignition reader is integrated and believed that would help fix it. Trouble is, Audi sold me that part but don't have the software that goes that far back to code the keys. All auto-electircans i've tried don't have software for a car that old.I'm a bit miffed that Audi Uk still sell a part that they don't have the software to code and hope they will be able to refund me.Does anyone have any hope for me or is it the end of the road for my Audi?
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