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    A3 1.8 Turbo
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  1. Hi okay I'll have a look into it! I think it's my re valve as it's a standard Bosch one! So going to change it for a oem one and if that doesn't sort the problem then go from there! It's one of the few places where I could be losing pressure from!
  2. Hi okay I'll check all the pipe work first and go from there! As the remap was done with the k&n filter on it, it might affect the remap as it would be able to breath as well! But will look tonight and let you know what I find! Thanks
  3. Okay so are you suggesting I go back to the original panel air filter? Okay where abouts is the MAF sensor?
  4. I think tbh I have a blow of one on there, which doesn't bother me because I one ever hear it when accelerating hard! Is this the intercooler filter of the air filter you think I should change? I was told be the previous owner that there had been a fault code found the there was pressure loss between the peddle and the Turdo? What could cause that?
  5. Hi I haven't but the previous owner put a k & n cone filter on it and a miltek exhaust on it when it was remapped! I now it has had any other dump valve fitted but not sure if it was a recirculating one or just a dump valve! If it isn't a recirculating on should I try replacing it with one and see if that helps? Thanks nathan
  6. Hi okay do you have any suggestions on how to get read of the lag? It doesn't do it all the time just when I been driving for a while! Thanks
  7. Hi what are you trying to gain by putting in bigger valves? More power?
  8. Hi Chris a after market head unit would be some much easier to install as just trying to fit a USB would be a night mare! I'm just about to have a double dip unit fitted in my 2001 a3 and they do look really good! And they do have USB, headphone jack and Bluetooth!
  9. I've just bought a mrk 1 a3 1.8t and it's had a lot of work don't to it! Including a stage 2 remape! Now it still has the standard intercooler and I'm wondering does it need a bigger on because of the remape? Also I do get a bit of lag from the turbo when I'm on long trips! Can anyone give me any advise! Thanks
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