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Steve Q

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Everything posted by Steve Q

  1. I'd recommend a diagnostic check to see if any fault codes flag up. Could be an issue with the switch
  2. Definitely get matching springs and shocks or at least matching size. Definitely don't cut the corner of just the shorter springs and standard shocks. Obviously the other option is coilovers but that'll make the ride firmer.
  3. Keep us posted on how you get on
  4. If you bought it within the last 30 days take it back as the dealer should fix this free of charge
  5. Hey Tony, Funny you should post this as I've only just had confirmation of our club stand for this year. Feels weird it's not in April.
  6. Looks good 👍
  7. The damage they do to the wings is well documented. I'd definitely recommend just removing them.
  8. A 2.0tfsi with no service history! Wouldn't touch it. The 2.0tfsi was notorious for oil consumption problems and eating piston rings which are expensive to fix. If it's too good to be true it probably is.
  9. Sounds less likely to be head gasket. Have you had a diagnostic check to see if any fault codes flag up?
  10. I'd recommend a diagnostic check to see if any fault codes flag up
  11. The link isn't spam as it's a link to a thread from.this forum 👍
  12. Issue with the heater matrix being blocked? Issue with the control module?
  13. Glad you're making progress 🙂
  14. Had a member with a similar fault couple of years ago, here's the thread:
  15. Che k buyers guides on YouTube. Che k service history for proof of Cambelt and water pump changes, gearbox oil services etc. Make sure heater works and is consistent through all vents for heat as this could be a sign of a blocked heater matrix. Make such a works properly as a compressors can be expensive.
  16. Welcome to the forum you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 🙂
  17. You're welcome 🙂
  18. I bet! You've done a cracking job!
  19. Steve Q

    Keyless Entry

    Sorry to hear this buddy, it's certainly annoying. Keep us posted how you get on
  20. Congratulations! Now you can get out and enjoy it 🙂
  21. Oh wow what a mess, not sure what to advise
  22. Glad it's nothing to worry about 🙂
  23. Looks great! 👍🙂
  24. Has it done it since. The system definitely needs checking thoroughly. It could be an incorrectly sealed expansion bottle cap. That'd be your cheapest option. Is there any white smoke out of the exhaust or what looks like mayonnaise around the oil cap?
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