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Steve Q

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Everything posted by Steve Q

  1. I believe.theres two. I do agree with Gareth that a diagnostic check is a good idea.
  2. You're welcome 🙂 not going to lie, running old Audi's is an expensive business. But in my case it's a labour of love.
  3. No probs at all. You'd be amazed at what electrical gremlins dying batteries can cause. I'd definitely look at getting it changed asap.
  4. I too am looking for older style wheels. But my A6 is older than your Audi. The two sets I'm looking at are £500 and that's for 20 year old refurbed wheels. In my case I'm just looking for some different wheels for shows only.
  5. You've done quite a good amount of work so far. I'd have said MAF sensor so it's good that's coming. I'd recommend a diagnostic check once the MAF is fitted. Could it be a lambda sensor I wonder?
  6. Sounds like you've got a big job ahead. But you've done great so far 🙂
  7. Take a look under the events section 🙂
  8. Sorry my bad, I misread it. I do t think the column needs coding. I'd still advise a diagnostic check. As you disconnected the battery is it worth seeing if the battery is failing due to age. Failing batteries can often throw up unusual faults.
  9. Mine isn't but it's all about being part of the scene. All Audi's are welcome on our club stands 🙂
  10. The steering rack needs to be coded to the car. Have you had the right one fitted? I believe your rack should be a gen 3 due to the cars age. I'd recommend a diagnostic check to see what fault codes flag up.
  11. Can't say I've heard of this issues. What have they tried to do. Have they reset the mmi etc?
  12. The wood trim covers are held on by four clips and some hot glue from the factory. Remove it by putting the shifter in S, and use a T20 to remove the center bolt behind the ashtray. The whole unit including the lighter slides out. The power cable on the right needs to be disconnected before it will come all the way out. There is a latch on the tray itself that mates with an arm in the body. The arm is supposed to stay attached to the housing, probably with a plastic piece that has broken off. Just to the right of the latch you can attach a paperclip that threads around the arm and through the back. On the back just twist the paperclip together and trim the excess. This will hold the arm in place and allow the ashtray to seat and latch. One paperclip is a lot better than £150 odd for the housing! Alternatively you can find the gear mechanism on eBay.
  13. Sorry to hear of your issues. My advice would be to take it back as you're entitled to a full refund up to 30 days. Also if you bought it on finance you can ring them to tell them it's not fit for purpose.
  14. It's getting ridiculous now. Just had to put rear tyres on my daily yesterday.
  15. Just found this one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265455456758?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=I_2VWq2kSZW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=IE07kO4STZy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  16. The later version should work with more recent maps. Might be worth you talking to the company that fitted the upgraded mmi to double check. If it can have the more up to date SD card then I'd recommend looking on eBay.
  17. Wheels aren't cheap. I'm looking for a set for shows currently. I'd definitely check ebay.
  18. Welcome to the forum you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 🙂 Good luck with your project. It's great to see another older Audi going back on the road 🙂
  19. Welcome to the forum you'll find the members on here are a friendly and helpful bunch 🙂
  20. Lol I have to cater for all interests when publishing the news articles. In all seriousness I have considered converting the Audi to what ever power they deem fit when they ban it. I do love my A6. Once the engine goes bank I'm going to fit a tuned engine. I'm already getting the plans drawn up and build cost already.
  21. That's such a Shame! How do the black cabs get away with it then?
  22. This should be the right dimensions
  23. It's not a club car I recognise. I certainly would remember it as it's stunning in that colour!
  24. Id definitely one looking at the battery first.
  25. You're welcome 🙂 also take a look.at YouTube for some buyers guides 👍
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