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  1. I had a plastic one snapped in there, I used a slightly smaller drill bit and drilled it out and used a bolt with same thread pattern and wind that in and out a few times to clear it, now all sorted and back to using the plastic type
  2. Pillar trim?
  3. Have a read through here you can do it yourself, I did and i worked out great http://www.a5oc.com/forums/a5-general-q/113473-mmi-3g-basic-navigation.html
  4. You can get AMI Bluetooth adaptors as long as you have the AMI port in your glove box, only thing is you wont be able to control anything, it just show's up as AUX adaptor or something like that, so you wont be able to skip track's or see the info on the screen, it all just plays from your phone through the car mmi, hope this helps.
  5. is it not the case of swapping the CD changer for the AMI module?
  6. Just upgraded my MMI from BNav_EU_P0029_d1 to BNav_EU_K0260 for anyone interest also has updated maps but not done this yet http://www.a5oc.com/forums/a5-general-q/113473-mmi-3g-basic-navigation.html was very straight forward and also has a step by step procedure Best thing is its free and takes about 30-40mins
  7. Managed to get this sorted for anyone who's interested, now have full iPod control and also got a Bluetooth module so I can stream music through the MMI also got hold of a genuine media holder, was a very easy job, on the back of the nav unit there is a fibre optic input, found the original ami wiring on eBay, plugged it into the nav unit all the power plugs straight into the original connector block, enabled AMI/AUX in the green menu job done, theres already a location for the AMI socket in the glove box you just have to cut the tabs away and it enable you to slide the AMI socket in Also found some genuine A6 under seat storage boxes Also managed to get me an RS6 gear knob...
  8. Afternoon I've got a 2010 A6 with 3g low mmi I want to do away with the CD changer and swap for a AMI unit, I've had the Cd changer out and it has the optical connector and power connector 4F0 035 110A I've found an AMI unit from an 08 A6 that is 4E0 035 785F and states MOST on it Can someone please confirm if this would work with mine before I blow a few hundred quid I also have VCDS as I think I've read I have to activate it Many Thanks in advance Mark
  9. Just thought I'd update on my progress with the A6 Not posted in a while but have done a few little jobs to the car I always hated the way the brakes looked all the calipers had surface rust and just looked nasty, so one weekend I jacked it up took all brakes apart cleaned them all up and put some heat proof silver on them, had lots of comments from friends asking "why didn't you paint them red" but I like the original look Also I have since got a private plate Didn't like the spacing so ordered another set Had it MOT'd few weeks ago flew through apart from steering rack boot split Want to refurbish the wheel's but going to wait till the tyres need replacing and get it all done together Really want a remap but just waiting really as it will be expensive and cant justify it to the wife yet Keep think about getting a light tint on all the windows but not sure how that will look, don't want them to dark not really a fan of black on black Anyway let know know what you think
  10. It states audi a6 s line special edition I'm sure there the same as the Le mans edition just renamed it special edition from 09 on Has same wheels and spec as Le mans, but obviously unsure about suspension
  11. Thanks for the reply but this has confused me even more..... I have a S-line special edition which I assumed was the Le Mans edition just re-badge'd? Why have they made this hard lol
  12. Just after some input for my Audi A6 looking at getting some lowering springs not sure what to get as whatever one's I go on say they wont be as low on S-line model, And I'm not 100% sure but thought the special edition's/Le Mans were lower then S-lines anyway All I want is to drop it 25mm nothing major, anyone got picture of there A6 lowered?
  13. The ones I've brought are not LED's, have a go at getting these they cost £33 from amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GD8OL62/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  14. niedzial1983- I used Philips Diamond Vision H11 Upgrade Car Headlight Bulbs 5000K (Twin) They match the LED's very well, no error message Thanks Liam I'm loving it, only thing that gets to me is washing it then it getting dirty within a few days, but I guess that's just down to the crap weather I decided not to get the software update at Audi as they couldn't really tell me what i was getting out of the update plus I've heard mixed reviews so going to wait that one out
  15. I have read up about it but theirs mixed reviews, some say they haven't noticed any change and some saying they have, to be honest I'm not really sure what they are going to do to it, the letter is very vague, I'd like to think it will run better and smoother? an adviser from Audi are ringing me tomorrow about it so I'll make sure to ask lots of questions about it and if he seems unsure I wont bother as the car runs fine and I have no bother. Thanks
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