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Everything posted by niedzial1983

  1. Magic here is a web where you can decode your spec . http://prsearch.planetvag.com/ Simply enter values from your build sticker located under the spare wheel or in your handbook
  2. I do all my detailing myself so cant say. I took half of my car apart and put it back lol . Its the only way to learn and get to know my car Profesional detiling is good but costly
  3. Valet ? I would never allow anyone near my car ! These hand car wash places are worst thing possible for paint !
  4. Mark . What bulbs did you used for fog lights ? Do they flash? Error message ?
  5. A set of nice wheels steve ? Less is more imo.
  6. it looks like that loom should be connected to something highlighted in the red circle here is a pic of 2.0 bay found on line
  7. chain
  8. Though i share this with you . A simple way to bring back the stitching to its original colour Required - magic sponge, hot soapy water, microfibre cloth Dont rub to hard as it may damage the leather Before and after pic on my 11 year old a6 c6
  9. This might help https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_Media_Interface
  10. All you need about mmi its in this link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_Media_Interface
  11. New oem led drl are around £700 plus There is a small company in poland that does the mod by adding the led to the existing ones. Cost £150 but headlights needs to be shipped to poland and back , around 2 weeks it would that
  12. Touch pad came as an extra with bigger mmi screen with highier resolution
  13. Really like the idea of having led dlr facelifted headlights but i plan to do this . https://youtu.be/39tqymk2zzI
  14. Also ATF who makes the oil recomends lifetime of 90k for oil Change needs to be done using high presure pump to flash the system othervise all the metal shavings and other crap will drop to the bottom of the pan . Ive been looking in to this for over a year and still cant decide . If my box wasnt working well i would probably change oli already. Probably what matters most is good garage and correct oil !
  15. So whilst i was fixing rear bumper as i got hit by a van, i took the wheel lining out to clean up all crap There was a rubber plug underneth so i took it out and a little balls came out lol. What is it ??? Is it all rain water , car shampoo stuff that dried out ??? Looks like a lifeform from another planet I had a light knock on the back with was anoying the hell out of me and now it gone !!!! :) Also pics before and after bumper repair
  16. I have similar problem . So far i did - replaced pollen filter x2 - desinfected the system using of the shelf products 2 times , one foam spray directly in to airvents, second spray can left for 30 min with closed air circulation - cleaned up air intake under the plastic located where wipper motor is Still get dust/mouldy faul smell when i turn the air con of for about 30 seconds Any ideas ?
  17. No . Just standard mounts reqired that wrap around with a pin hole above door seal
  18. Front A Pillar Water Deflector , part no: 8P0854328 i believe it will be same for 3 or 5 door
  19. Anyone can recomend good roofbars for a6 c6 saloon ? Thanks
  20. Audi says its sealed for life. But what "life" means for audi no one knows Google . There are 1000s topics discussing this . Some say oil change works well, some had lost of issues after. Cost around £1k . If you decide to do it make sure you use a garage who knows their stuff, using correct ATF oli as it can mess up your box Mine did 119k , box runs like new. and i have resarched for last year . Still trying to decide... i have attached a guide for reference AudiTiptronic2013.pdf
  21. Thanks , would love to but first need to get alloys refurbed and a small scrach on the front bumper fixed :) Keem me posted
  22. Had same issue. Fixed myself by taking rear bench out . Taking sensors out and reconecting all plugs . Quattro has 2 senders on each side. Also there is TBS in this . Just google
  23. Sounds like a engine or gearbox mount is failing
  24. Hi all New to this forum Ive got A6 C6 3.0tdi v6 le mans in dytona grey pearl . Had the car for 2 years with no poblems so far, 119k on the clock . All original MMI 2g with bose on board plus sport suspention, 19" wheels
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