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  1. hi thanks ,,i took the glass out and re seated it seem to be ok now ,,but not sure ,,need a towbar fitted now where is the best place ,i live in north west england ?
  2. hi just bought an allroad silver 2014 mmi plus touch electric seats ,having a little problem with the door mirror doesn't seem to move far enough out (the glass) ,any thoughts anybody ?
  3. hi yes diesel and preferably the 245bhp i would like the hdd based mmi plus touch as i believe they work a bit faster ? and the large screen looks a lot better
  4. hi steve been looking on autotrader ebay gumtree ect,,ect,,hard to get the car i want with the correct spec for the money i want to spend ,,near my location ,,i was in a carpark the other day and seen a guy putting his golf clubs in an a6 allroad i went up to him and said what a cracking car he had ,,we got talking and he told me he was selling it but had done a deal with audi to buy a new one ,,it was a 2014 a6 allroad brown metallic 245bhp 45k on the clock it looked amazing ,,i asked him how much audi was giving him he said £15250 i couldn't believe it ,,i gave him my number told him i would give him at least £1000 more if he would sell to me ,,no call yet
  5. hi first post hi to all ,,i am looking for a a6 allroad 2013...2014 ,,if any for sale around the 18k mark...? must have mmi plus (large screen)
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