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    A4 B7 1.9 tdi
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  1. Did you get yours sorted mark?
  2. Was like it before the remap, maybe I should just strip the front down and check the timing just to rule that out. Its remapped, decatted and also egr cooler and egr valve removed and blanked off. And remapped to add power and code out the egr. None of that made a difference.
  3. Quick video showing the performance, if the timing was out would it be as quick as it is or slower. It was originally 115 bhp, but I remapped to 145 ish with a blacksmoke remap.
  4. With the engine running it's just spits a bit of oil out. Another video of noise. Still want to check my cam timing, but with the torsion value ok I don't think it's going to be out.
  5. Yeah I thought they looked ok, just getting some noise through the intake when the snorkel is off like you would with a worn camshaft. Don't want to change it if it's ok. Just want my engine to quieten down, below 2,500 rpm it's ok but just gets really loud/resonating above these revs.
  6. I've just removed my rocker cover to check the camshaft, the chamfered edges looks ok, not sure on some streaking tho. Here is a video what do you guys think? Thanks.
  7. Mines a BKE, I've tried it from 1.0 all the way to -1.0, makes no difference. Think my timing is out.
  8. I fitted the gearbox mount and it's slightly better, the old one did have a lot of play in it. Almost feels like it has more power?!?? Im going to strip the front off and check the timing and adjust it if need be. Then if that doesn't help, just going to live with it.
  9. Well I'm replacing the gearbox mount tonight and adjusting the snub mount, so will report back later, hopefully it will sort it.
  10. Wow that's high! I though mine was bad because when the engine is cold two of the injectors get as high as 0.6. My old golf pd 130 was 0 on all four cylinders and ran smooth as silk but at 130,000 miles the head gasket went. How does yours drive with an injector like that?
  11. Cylinders 1 + 3 are around 0.10 an 2 + 4 are about 0.35/0.29.
  12. My torsion value on vcds is -0.5 so that's in spec. Can the timing still be out if that value is ok?
  13. Thanks, would this also cause a noise when stationary and revving?
  14. Hi, my 1.9 tdi feels very rough when revving and driving. Compared to my golf 1.9 tdi, which has no vibration and feels smooth when revving and driving. Are gearbox mounts known to go? I've replaced both engine mounts and the snub mount and still no improvement? Any ideas what could be at fault, it's just pretty loud in the cabin when driving. Thanks.
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