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Rob F

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Everything posted by Rob F

  1. Hi. Looking at buying A1 1.6 tdi. Full history etc cam elt done etc . Went to test It, there is a misfire when cold. White smokes. Any one had any issues. It' done 56k it' a 2011. Thanks Rob
  2. Hi. Judder on take up of drive when stationary. Rob
  3. Sorry. It's an auto. I've done what you said and speaking to a few companies. Just wondered if anyone had used one.
  4. Does anyone know of a transmission recon specialist. Cheers Rob
  5. Thank you. Rob
  6. See my post in A7 section. Remove and chrome wrap.
  7. Hi. Does anyone know the tracking setting for the A7 2012 3.0ltr. Cheers Rob
  8. I think under the consumer law you have to give them the opportunity to try and fix it within a specified time. If they don't then you can take it further. Make sure you log and document everything. Dates/ times/ who you spoke to etc. Hope this may help
  9. The door ones just lift up. Held in by couple of clips. The rear window one is a little tricky to come off. You have to get behind trim and ease it out of rubber, without bending it. It is quite tight. On the A7, the top main trim along the roof is riveted on. You need to remove all seals and remove revits. Well worth the hard work though. Saved many hundreds of pounds.
  10. After
  11. Before
  12. Cheers
  13. Yeah. They all plastic with chrome effect/ black. Go on YouTube. It shows you how to do it, however I removed mine from the car for better finish. Make sure you clean them thouroghly. Use a hair dryer/heat gun to warm and stretch it were needed. Use a sharp blade. Mine look ace now. Like new. Take your time and it will save you a fortune.
  14. Hi everyone. Just a little help. If your chrome trims go discoured/ stained , which is common apparently. Don't buy new. Full set £900. 00. I just removed mine and wrapped them. Cost around £50. Make sure you get good wrap. I've enclosed a picture. Hope it helps. Rob
  15. Mine does the same. Stops up til you restart or go above certain speed. I would say it's fine.
  16. Hi. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it. . The A7 dont have torque convertors. Since my post I'm gonna change the multiplate clutches in the box and see how I go. I've priced them from Audi and they arnt that expensive. I'll change them myself.... that is. I'll keep you posted how it goes. Thank you for your help Rob
  17. It does seem to get a little better when it's warm. But still not perfect
  18. Sorry or other remedies. I switch that stuff off too. It's only when stationary. It's like the clutches are worn. I guess it could be those. I get judder. Which point towards clutches. I might change them in time and keep you all posted. Thanks anyway Rob
  19. Ok thanks. Any ideas of remedies
  20. Could be yeah. Punch the code into Google and ull find some info on it.
  21. The swirl flaps in the manifold are to lengthen and shorten air flow into the engine to provide better torque at low speed and also speeds. The EGR recycles exhaust gases into the manifold to lower peak combustion temperatures to help prevent NOx. It might be the metal pipe blocked to the EGR . This is going to sound mad, but the best thing I've found to remove carbon build up is oven pride. Yes oven pride. Remove EGR. Pipes etc. Soak and thouroghly wash out. I used it on my turbo on my a4. Vanes stuck. It went like stink afterwards.
  22. You can force it to regen. Even if it doesn't that piece of kit is worth it's weight in gold. Make sure you get one from the UK in case you need to return it. Mine was fine though. It will load to most laptops but you have to disable your anti virus software. If your not good with computers you may need a little help to load it. Hope it helps
  23. In my experience you would have to remove bolts etc inside door. Take door card off... but never done one on A7. Just check on door itself, if you open it. There maybe a bung to remove which exposes a screw on inner door shut.
  24. Hi guys. New myself. Welcome Miguel.
  25. Hi guys. If your car has a small minor leak over time. You can get these stop leaks to put in with your gas etc. When a vehicle gets older the O rings etc can wear and very small weeps appear. I know WURTH do one. I've used them in the past and had successful outcomes. Saves spending a fortune if you have a small leak. Remember to make sure the air con guys put the illuminating dye in when they do It, just in case so you can trace leaks. Just a tip just in case they regas it and the gas vanishes again. ROB
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