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Rob F

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Everything posted by Rob F

  1. I agree. Check all the above. You can get air con bombs you put in your car and run your air con so it sucks it all in as bacteria and mould can form in your heater sections. Try that. ROB
  2. P.s I've just looked. They are still on there. Around 67 quid now. Rob
  3. Hi mate. I bought a Delphi 150e off eBay. It cost around 50 quid. It comes with plug in obd box and lead and the software. Does cars up 2013. It will link to most lap tops etc. I got one as I have an A7. It does codes for everything. Service lights etc. Mine has paid for itself 10 times over. It can be a little tricky to install software on laptop as you have to remove your antivirus, but don't panic. It's safe. If you know someone who is decent with computers, it would be a doddle for them. Type Delphi 150e into eBay. They do work. Try and get one from UK though. Regards Rob
  4. Hi. Just a little help. I had a friend who had issue with dpf blocked. It went into limp mode. Apparently she took her Audi to Halfords and they offer a clean out service. Around 70 quid. Apparently it runs fine now. I do agree though that if it has codes set, it may not regen on its own. Also I bought a Delphi 150e obd reader off eBay for 50 quid. Chinese copy with software. It links to your laptop with the software and you can force a regen on that. It does loads more too. I have an A7 and it's paid for itself 10 times over. Rob
  5. Hi everyone. New to the club. I have an A7 3.0 2wd tdi. 2011 . 90k. S tronic I have an issue with the take up of drive from stationary. It feels like the clutches are slow to engage and when it does, it's jerky. It's worse on an incline. The oil has just been changed. No codes etc. Once the vehicle is moving, its perfect. Any one had similar issues. Audi said no outstanding recalls etc. If it was a manual, it feels like you are slow with the clutch pedal and you have clutch judder. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Rob
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