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Joe Cott

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    ............Brierley Hill by the Bull & Bladder
  • Audi Model
    A3 2.0 TDi DSG-Auto Cabriolet
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  1. 😆👍
  2. Forgot to follow up post 😏 Exhauust gas sensor or monitor cant remember. Exactly what he called it tried to clean it but kept getting the fault. It looked every one of it's 90000 miles old. replaced with new (£234) job done👍
  3. Never had this before; yesterday, the glow plug light started flashing indicating a fault followed by "limp mode" Limped home, stopped on the way and on restarting, the light went out, but the "engine management" light came on & engine went back to full boost power.....this morning, started up to take into garage for code readings etc. but all lights were now out & engine running as normal. Tried all types of driving on the way to garage but all still OK! I've left the car in the garage to see if they can find a fault as I'm off to Wales in a couple of days for a long weekend & don't want limp mode coming on in the Valleys. Anyone had this before?
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