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  1. Yes that is correct Dan
  2. Hi Dan I did comment about the back lash on the quattro system when edging forward it sounded like it was taking up the slack in the transmission.. When it was in on the ramp with all four wheels free at one of the dealers they let me have look underneath when I rotated the front wheel it took a good 10 cm of movement before the the rear wheel moved. When commenting about this saying it seems excessive I was told this was OK and required for expansion of the four wheel drive system. Is this related ? I have worked machinery for last 18 year before I retired and know when some is not right and feels wrong. Before the Audi I owned Octavia VRS and wife a Fiat 500 so keeping two cars and Astra van on the road was to expensive when I retired So we compromised with the Audi it was small enough for the wife to drive and gave me the performance I wanted. I hope the tradings of the Skoda and Fiat do not come back and haunt me
  3. Hi Dan The noise is only in reverse and hard RH down it happens when the motor is hot or cold after long or short a run. It does seem as though there is something that gets miss aligned when doing this maneuver I have even felt restraint of movement all but brief. They have suggested this is just idiosyncrasy of the car if so it is not Vorsprung Durch Technik This German phrase translated into English as 'progress through technology. I love this car and its performance but am increasing getting worried where this is going to leave me when the warranty runs out and something goes bang.
  4. Hi All update The car has now been with Audi a fourth time for this clunk when reversing. Two different Audi dealers have look at it only because there is a dealer closer to me than where I purchase it . Both dealers have not been able to replicate the noise not for the want of trying. On return home on two of the occasions while reversing it happened again unbelievable. Lucky enough on one of those occasions I recorded the noise on my phone as suggested by one of the mechanics. Audi Hereford has it at the moment trying to compare it with the S1 they have, it has been there a week so far and are about to try some different brake parts. (not convinced they are on the right track my opinion is transmission) Can not fault either dealer on there support and help but would be nice to resolve this
  5. Hi Steve Car going back in on the 6th July lets see what their comments are this time. Brian
  6. Morning Steve I agree with you about the "clunk" - the backlash, is it related who knows? My son-in-law has an A3 and my mate has a TT with Quattro. I believe it is the same system as mine. I will have to have a listen to theirs. Many thanks Brian
  7. Hi Steve It has only done 14786 ml and bought from a Main dealer and would of had there multi point check it does have new tires. I have been told by the dealership the backlash is normal but it does not seem right to me. Noise when reversing I cannot replicate when I take it in it is a real clunk like something is miss aligned The car handling is fine does not pull left or right when let go of the wheel.
  8. I have owned a S1 for three weeks and have noticed when crawling and taking your foot off the gas and back on again I get noise like backlash in the drive system. Also at times if i have accelerated hard and then later come to a stop and revers into my drive with RH down I get clunk like there is a resistance. Has anybody come across this before Concerned Brian
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