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    audi rs4 Quattro 5 door s tronic / Audi A3 tdi dsg 2008
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  1. I am an auto electrician haha.. I need a diagram of the car to be able to sort it. In which I can't get one .if I could I wouldn't be asking on here 😂😂😂 🤡🔨 I've never ran to anyone at the first hurdle it's about knowledge gaining ..
  2. Thanks steve
  3. Where would your technical help page be. I've looked around and can't find it.. I've an Audi Q3 2012 with the sat nav hu .. I'm fitting a mediadab module and the version of the media dab is for vehicles with steering wheel controls, therefore i I have you hardwire it. I've connected everything and it's powered up etc. However the final job I have is locating the 2 canbus wires on the stereo plug, I've to cut them and introduce the wires on my mediadab unit. However I can't find anywhere on the net a stereo wiring plug diagram. So I 'm hoping someone knows the colour of the 2 canbus wires. heres a couple of pics the diagram I've uploaded dosnt specify my Q3 and the plug or cable colours are not the same as mine . Ive included my stereo info and my connector also the media dab info to give as much info as possible. thanks in advance for any help
  4. Hi al just became a member. Been wanting to join a forum for a while but never got around to it. Im hoping someone can shed a light on my Mrs Audi A3 , this afternoon im in Preston remapping a car fitting bigger injectors and other bits for a customer and my good lady rings me and the way she is talking I thought she was being kidnapped. I say calm down what's up she says " I'm stuck in the middle of a junction and the car won't move when I accelerate" I tell her I'm in Preston and can't do much. Eventually I finish what I'm doing and shoot of back to Blackpool as quick as the rs4 will go. I find her sat in her Audi at the side ot the road. Lift the bonnet and tell her to start it. Then say go through the dsg gear side and also the auto side.both driveshafts spin but the wheels don't turn. I tell her to do it again and same thing happens. I ring my pal and tell him to meet me at he car when he can, I take the Mrs home and a couple of hours later my buddy turns up. We go to the car to tow it back to mine. Attach it to his car and we pull off. That's when I hear and feel the drive shaft knocking and banging as if the drive shaft has snapped in the cup at one end, same noise my driveshaft made when I did it in at Santa pod. are the Audi A3 driveshafts known to go at the bearing cup or is there a fault with the dsg box there was no noises she said she just set off from the lights and it just wouldn't go anywhere. The clutch was changed 6 months ago, t only reason it's confusing me is that he drive shafts spin up when accelerate but don't turn the wheel. And there's no driveshaft noise till the wheel turns. Im going to jack it up today but can't be bothered taking the driveshaft out unless it's defo that , if not I'll take it to my garage and whip t gearbox off and rebuild it if I have to.. any my help anyone had this problem before please let me know thanks in advance
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