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Everything posted by amex88

  1. Cheers for the reply Gareth. I totally agree with what you are saying. Of course audi works that way, so do all of their rivals. But if you get my point, i dont want a oh it could be this, i want a yes this is the problem, and we can fix it. Well both keys behave the same as in they open and close the doors. Thats about it. Dont know what else to do, must now find an independant specialist. Thanks
  2. Ok i see. When i try to press thr start buttom it doesnt do anything at all. But when the key is not in the ignition it stayes key not detected when i press the start button. Have not got a clue why.
  3. Did you have issues with the push to start button?
  4. Hi Magnet. Thanks for response. I do have another key also. I have used decent batteries in them believe they are duracell. I tried the option of reprogramming it, where you hold the on button and key in and out again. Didnt work at all. I dont know who to contact for this. Audi would rip me off, however i did take it to them, and they said it COULD be the door handles need changing at a crazy price. Thanks
  5. Hi Steve. Thanks for the reply. I have actually changed the battery on main key yesterday. However nothing has changed at all. I have no idea what it could be. Maybe the car battery? I left the ignition on without the engine running for 15 mins and the car wont start. This has happened before too. I cant make out what it is. It would be great to know as i want to fix it no matter what. Thanks.
  6. Hi guys. New to this so hello firstly. I have an audi q7 2010. My issue is that i cannot start the car with the start button provided. I can start it with the key but not with the button. But i can stop it with the stop button. Also when i walk away the doors do not close, and as far as im aware if i press the buttons on the door handles it should open but it does not do that. I do not think it is the button, as when i press it without the key being in the igniton it states key not detected. Any help hugely appreciated. Thanks.
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