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Sven last won the day on August 19 2017

Sven had the most liked content!

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    A5 Convertible & A6/C7 Estate
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  1. So this that ticket get me to club stand? and Trevor would you art me to the list as well.
  2. Weekend for me
  3. Sven

    Club road trip

    Yea let's get it going...
  4. Why not count me in too
  5. http://www.motorsportinfocus.co.uk/2017-events/aitp-130817/index.php?keyWord=&kid=&page=11&sub=dd5568257277514a44e9b9e878420b0d For all who been there page 2 you find yourself time was 9:00-9:30
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uQ3fFbLIM&feature=youtu.be
  7. Hey steve would be great to get some tickets as I was thinking to come to that one as well now.. last mess up was great 😬 What about the tour we was talking about?
  8. Hello D0c try TPS Audi Volkswagen parts just google it and you will find the closest to you!
  9. Ok no worries...
  10. C7
  11. Hey Brad are you going all the way up the m1 till Northampton? As I am half way up near Bedford and we could meet to go together...
  12. Try to activate it on my A6 with vcds but it does not come up strangely... a5 was no problem and I thought that a6 would have it definitely build in. You might be right with door modules!
  13. Do we have a postcode yet for the place we meet? ( or picture from google maps)
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