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    Northern Irelan
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    a4 avant
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  1. Would be a year at least Gareth.
  2. my heater fan is making a strange noise whenever i turn it up high. Does this mean the filter needs changed?
  3. does anyone know how much is the road tax on a 2018(18) Audi A42.0 TDI Sport Allroad S Tronic quattro? TIA
  4. Thats what I've tried, goes through the process but the service warning remains
  5. I have tried turning the ignition on and then pulling the stalk out, and then again for 5 -10 seconds, it goes through the motions as it should do but the wee spanner and warning light stay on. Has anyone any suggestions?
  6. Ok, do I need to unplug the air flow sensor?
  7. How hard is it to change an air filter? Been waiting on my mechanic for a while and thought I might try it myself.
  8. are there different shaped air filters for 2015 A4's. The normal rectangle one I purchased doesnt fit!
  9. We'll not fall out over it Gareth!! Might just do that Neil, or maybe I will just buy a nice bottle of red!
  10. Not sure about good customer service or me looking for Audi to confirm anything. The problem is Audi have made the process convoluted, I can't turn off the "Service due" warning myself, I have to go to Audi, why? Well we all know the answer, I for my part wont use a main dealer because they overcharge and often they are not as thorough as I would like!
  11. Portadown Audi refused to reset my "Service Due" warning because I did not get the car serviced with them! Bad customer service if you ask me, got it done with an independent Audi garage, 20 quid!
  12. yes serviced and all, mechanic told me there is an electronic dipstick which i have to check to ensure the oil level is correct
  13. Do I need to go to an Audi dealer to get this warning deactivated?
  14. Is a cabin filter the same as a pollen filter?
  15. I am going to get my mechanic to do an intermediate service, cheaper and handier than going to Audi. Is oil and filters all I need to get?
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