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  1. Interestingly enough there is a quote in the comments at the end of the article describing others complaining about hesitancy. I just noticed today that the drive mode in my car has been changed from individual to dynamic. Dont notice any difference in lag though - turned into a hill today and put foot down to give a little extra gas to get up the hill - no response from the car for about 2 seconds i reckon, then it picked up fine. Wont lease another of these cars.
  2. Hi Gareth To answer your questions the car has been rinsed with a jet wash many times. However i never noticed an issue after rinsing and would expect all the chrome to have peeled off not just spots had it been down to rinsing with a jet wash. The car is on a longlife service plan so not needed serviced yet as its under 2 years old and only done 6800 miles. I see where your coming from but TBH want to find out how this issue happened. It was mentioned the chrome trim on the car is plastic. I wonder if a spray is used in the process to apply the chrome to the plastic trim and whether this is significant. I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue i could quote as precedence, hence the reason for posting here.
  3. Hi Guys Thanks for replying. I have the vehicle on a 2 year lease. I have had the vehicle since new. I initially called the Audi driverline number to report a lag with the car when accelerating after slowing down. It was only while i was on i mentioned the issue with the chrome peeling. Audi say that cannot replicate the lag. As for the chrome peeling Audi have stated a product has been sprayed on the car chrome trim that has damaged it. They say its a spray because there are small dots along the silver chrome that have peeled off and feel this is consistent with a spray. Although to a certain degree i understand this reasoning I have not used any sprays on the car, this is incorrect. If as they say something was sprayed on the car chrome trim then i would expect some of any spray to go onto the paintwork, yet the paint remains undamaged. What i also fail to understand is if a product even exists that would damage the chrome trim only and not the paint. Not happy with the response from Audi.
  4. Audi Glasgow have replied and stated that the car has been cleaned with a product that has damaged the car. 1st time I have heard soap and water being described as damaging a car. Has anyone else had this issue? Any advice on how to progress this issue with Audi?
  5. Has anyone experienced chrome peeling on the trim around their windows. I have an A4 1.4TSI 2016 and have this issue on the silver trim around all windows.
  6. I have a 2016 A4 1.4TSI 66 plate. Although no where near the power of the car your driving, i am experiencing the same issue. Its at the dealers just now who say the audi tech that tested the car cannot replicate the fault.
  7. Hi Guys Just joined forum, hoping to get some information.
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