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Everything posted by adian28

  1. Hi I bought the cable from Apple website thinkbit was around £25 not sure about Spotify as I don’t have it but works for Apple Music. I have found when it’s on shuffle the songs get mixed up. So it’s displying a different song on the ami to what’s being played. But apart from that it’s ok.
  2. Well I got my cable today from Apple and guess what it works. All the track info etc is displayed on screen so thanks Paul. For other people wanting to know the just buy the Apple cable and not a cheap one from eBay. All happy now 😃 thanks again
  3. Hi same car same problem. Won't open from the outside once opened from the inside it then opens all the time from the outside until I lock it again. Any ideas? Did you get yours sorted?
  4. Hi I have just re read your post and saw you bought it from Apple. I was cheap and got one from eBay which guess what didn't work haha it charges the phone but says on the ami screen it's not supported. Maybe I need the one from Apple at £30 rather then the £2.50 one I bought.
  5. Thanks pchende just ordered one today so hopefully it will work. Does it should the track info on your screen? And can you select songs etc.
  6. So does that mean I should be able to use a Bluetooth device as mention earlier in the post. I did try a USB Bluetooth which didn't work and also tired a Bluetooth device that fits onto the 30 pin iPod cable but that didn't work too.
  7. Heres what I have. It's says that when I plug my USB stick in which works ok
  8. I will check again and yes I have that in my glove box.
  9. Hi thanks for the info and you say I don't have ami? I think I have ami as when I start the car it comes on screen saying ami starting or something like. Would that mean I have ami.
  10. Hi all Never owned a Audi before so I'm brand new here. I've always had Vauxhalls and can say Audi is defiantly step up haha My audi is a A4 2009 limousine model I'm wanting to know what I need to connected my iPhone 5s to the car stereo? The car came with a old iPod connecter and a usb using the input in the glove box when I connected my phone using the usb it comes up saying the cable isn't compatible. I know I can use the aux lead input but I want it so I can see the track name on the screen and also if possible to change the songs etc using the stereo. I did buy a 30pin ipod Bluetooth adapter but that doesn't work ive searched lots of forums and the internet and keep getting lost with it all. My stereo is a symphony with no sat nav One more thing I did come across this not sure if it will work or where to buy it from http://www.iamaudi.com/audi-music-interface-bluetooth-adapter/ Thanks in advance
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