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Everything posted by Patrico777

  1. Hi got few mods coming on my car got s3 skirts, that need to be painted and also wanna do my alloys black not sure where is good and cheap place in KENT? Also wondered which colour shld I get them done gloss black ? Or matt black ?
  2. Im looking at ebay can see few waiting for seller to come back to me if it fits https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F322867532105
  3. Tried searching it on ebay doesnt find anything ?could u send me links plssssssss 😭
  4. That is easy then, I will try and find the parts now
  5. Thank you been looking for help regarding this for ages lol so where can i buy everything I need ? Also how do I fit ?
  6. Wanting to get some s3 diffuser for my s line black edition not sure if it will fit and how to fit ? Where can i buy it and is it straight swap? Also wanting sone lowering springs, how low and which to get on my last car ST I had eibachs
  7. Hi, had my egr replaced by audi, after 2 weeks I noticed when dpf does regen fan running etc smells like burning plastic which is normal but also see smoke behind engine where turbo is when ever I accelerate in neutral, Went back to audi they changed the clamp on egr now does it again! Have a look and other video makes strange sucking air sound audi a3 tdi s line black edition 2011
  8. http://www.audi-sport.net/xf/threads/xtrons-pa77aa3p-for-audi-a3.345336/ im on this forum as well this unit looks nice
  9. Wanting to buy audi a3 gloss black rings for front and rear as the xenonz rs3 grills are out of stock atm, so I decided I want these gloss black rings, but wanna ask which ones I need, my car is 61 plate black edition exactly same as on pic on ebay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F253004168118
  10. Which one shld I go and buy guys
  11. Recently saw on ebay these audi rings projectors when you open a door ? Would really like to buy them just dont have the light at the bottom of door only some plastic is there ? Is there anyway to fit these There is no cables etc inside
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/332405806908 they quite expenssive imo I rather get android as that what I am planning
  13. So what can I do ?? Buy different unit maybe ??? Something like this ???
  14. Yeah i did msg them you mean OBD reader ?
  15. Yeah looks nice but gives error msg! And it says on advert error free
  16. Thinking of buyint this also ? Doss the rear diffuser just unscrew and screw this one on??!
  17. I have bought this kit all works fine just hope will not come up with some error later lol also what does footwell lights mean I dont have them the ad you send me also door courtssy lights ?
  18. Recently has resprayed door as Someone scratched it they forgot to put screws back nearly lost the door skirt can I use any or does it need to be genuine audi?
  19. Its not that its nornal that the pipe is short , he said something could drop there bit of plastic etc could burn out etc etc so silk see how it godd
  20. Going to audi wirh rac behind me he said one pipe that goes to dpf sensor is to short and smoke from there ? As the pipe shld go back to dpf but is not
  21. Just got fault again! Im !Removed! off now Just got another fault !!!! Smelt burning something fans running opened bonnet and smoke from near turbo? Quickly switched off the engine and waiting for RAC also should there be like this not properly screwed in??
  22. Hi After month time owning a3 after timing belt change EGR valve change after been scratched ! I can finally start getting some mods on atm just bought wind delfectors, want some ideas please pictures might help is it direct fit to swap mirrors to chrome s3? Also thinking of side skirts from MAXTON? Rs3 grill and more just gonna take it one by one
  23. I guess I wld need to try lol
  24. Really ??? Was looking at led units on ebay so they wont work ? Its plug and play? And interior dont no which bulbs are needed yet
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